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GrumpyGnome last won the day on December 23 2023

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About GrumpyGnome

  • Birthday 03/10/1960

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  1. Sorry, I meant reliant on telephony..
  2. AFAIK it is so that personal alarms which rely on the internet continue to work... and security systems that function similarly...
  3. Depends. Your rx SHOULD be ok with a 2s LiFe pack; 2s LiPo would probably need a voltage regulator. Your tx manual should tell you what's acceptable Any reason why you want to change?
  4. I think to be classed as vulnerable you probably need either a burglar alarm that works via t'internet, or a personal safety alarm in case you fall over... for example
  5. I think the point is that fuel, in fact lots of our stuff, has increased significantly more than general inflation....
  6. I don't have multiple rates per se anymore - just flight modes on a three position left hand shoulder switch. Take off, flight, landing - with varying rates, expo, idle, elevator differential, elevator trim. I only use one transmitter so standardisation for all fixed wing is easy. The exception is the TopRC baby FW190 where that switch also controls the stabilisation mode.... It took me a while to reach my standard layout. I too use lots of voice warnings which are actuated when a switch is used; some repeat every 10 seconds as a reminder of anything 'abnormal' (e.g. undercarriage down when not in takeoff/landing mode); switch status warnings are also available on a single switch as an in-flight status check. Nobody's complained at a all the chatter yet. And I find it less irritating than the constant "timer stop, timer start" stutterings from some chums Spektrum sets 🙂
  7. Parcelforce dropped my parcel next door at 9:01 yesterday. At 9:14 I received a message telling me my parcel would be delivered between 9:23 and 10:23. At 9:31 I received a message telling me my parcel was next door..... ar least it has come to the correct address this time. Yodel are supposed to make a delivery today - the last three have been lost/delivered elsewhere so all extremities are crossed!
  8. Make the most of it 'cos it won't work when you go digital and the power if off 🙂
  9. Cheers toto. Only a suggestion.... set up your multiple rates. Fly on the buddy box to see what suits you. Get rid of the other rates. No need to check/worry in the future. Or..... Not sure if your Spektrum allows it, but my Radiomaster allows me to set warnings if switches are not in the 'correct' setting when I turn the radio on/select a model. A built-in pre-flight check. The transmitter will not communicate with the receiver until the check is dismissed, or corrected. A little bit of extra effort when setting up initially of course. In any event, in my view standardisation of functions and switches across models is a 'must'. You just need to decide on a layout that works for you.
  10. If you are really set on 'going it alone', the route to success is easier these days as you can get fully stabilised models that come out of a box with everything you need, ready to fly. No need to do anything other than insert batteries and fly..... E.g. Ranger600 RC Plane 2.4GHz 3CH Remote Control Airplane 6-Axis Gyro Stabilizer One Key U-Turn RTF 76102 RC Aircraft Toys Gifts from AliExpress Small so limited to light winds. Light so it will bounce. Foam so easy to fix. Cheap, so a small investment. Get a free sim like Picasim to learn the basics whilst waiting for it to arrive. You can start in fully stabilised mode and just close the throttle if you get into difficulties. Then move on to the intermediate mode for more control. If you master this, move up to a more traditional high wing (bigger) trainer and your own radio, batteries etc.. Then a low wing sport model. Then scale. You can get small rtf scale models that are similarly ready to fly on opening the box, but they are faster and a bit more challenging... VERY challenging with all the stabilization off. Joining a club is still the best advice......
  11. And failsafe checked? Do you really need/use three different rates? The less you need to think about at this stage, the better imo.....
  12. If you're a 'vulnerable' customer, BT will provide battery backup. Or you can buy battery backup for under £100. Resistance is futile I'm afraid.. .
  13. Exactly what I said in post #1 🙂
  14. Hi dom Welcome! The vast majority of folks here (including me)will advise you to join a club, for many reasons. Even if you have access to local, suitable fields, being taught how to fly is easier, and generally cheaper, than trying to teach yourself..... you may also be less limited on the type of aircraft you eventually fly, as the clubs will almost certainly have better facilities. Are you UK based?
  15. Sounds so banal, but keep your chin up mate. Your family will believe having you around but "no fun" is far far better than the alternative, and children are amazingly resilient and adaptable. Baby steps....
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