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Baz Lewis

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Everything posted by Baz Lewis

  1. Thankyou Martin for that reference to this failsafe issue, but i found the answer was down the bottom of the page which was given by Paul Adams from 12/02/2012. The statement here was to "re bind your reciever". I have witnessed a ic model going to full throttle and dissappearing into the clouds and also a leccy model in our club carpark going to full throttle because he switched the transmitter off trying to reset a value in his menu. I had a club member come around to my workshop recently with a Fox Glider and we set up his brake for his folding prop. As a matter of safety, i said i will switch off his tranny and to make sure he had a good hold of his model. This i did, and the motor went to full throttle; "why did it do that he asked"! Might be worth an editorial in the mag. at some point or have i missed it in a previous issue. Anyway! i will post something on the board at my club for safety purposes. I may be educating someone in the process maybe.
  2. Firstly, let us assume that we have set up our lovely model with all the servo's operating in their correct direction with the motor coming to life as we push the throttle forward. Now! restrain your model securely ( if a leccy ) and connect up the battery or switch on. Make sure all the servo's are operating and the throttle is set up in the correct sequence from low to high as it should be. Last and final stage: Switch off your Tranny and observe your throttle If your motor goes to full throttle, then you have a fly away or a very unsafe condition. Edited By Factorywriggs on 23/06/2013 00:31:31
  3. Couldn't agree more with Tims suggestion! A farm services shop will stock many high Ah types due to the demand for electric fence batteries from the Farmers. They are generally pretty good value.
  4. Here is my recent build of the Firefly, covered in Yellow / Red Tissue including the Tail. Test flights will resume over the next few weeks, so hopefully a vid will come from it!
  5. Baz Lewis

  6. Baz Lewis

  7. Baz Lewis

  8. Baz Lewis

  9. Baz Lewis

  10. Yes! and maybe introduce a couple of those LED strip light thingy's that indicate the voltage coming from each switch. The idea's keep coming! lol
  11. Yeah! I know this switch business has been around for many years and is a concern. I suggest fitting two good quality switches side by side and linking them so the power is shared by both. What if both are going to fail "i here", i think the odds are slim and you have more chance getting 6 numbers on the lottery. This is my care free solution, and you can keep a regular check of their operation by fitting LED's in the line by adding a resistor to each. I am not an electronics Guru, but some idea's need to be back'ed up with common sense.
  12. I am glad that someone has captured David Vaughan on Video at last, i met him on Sunday whilst walking around the LMA show at Cosford, i recognised him emmediately and approached him for the first time since 1972 when i used to go and watch him fly his Wirraway and Mustang. I used to finish my tea and then race down to Cosford runway on my bike , as this is where David used to come and fly during the odd evening before the security stuff took hold of cosford and became unpassible to all that were not MOD or RAF. As i was a keen 12 year old and enthused with Aircraft in general, David used to explain how he applied all that detail to his models and this was enough to light my touch paper in the Hobby so to speak. I have not seen David since 1972, and so reminding him of that little boy who pestered him whilst he was trying to prepare his model for flight was enough to get that little bit of history of mine kicked back into life. I am glad i have had a proper chat this time........
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