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Richard Harris

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Richard Harris last won the day on August 4 2021

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  1. Sad news to read this, have had many a day down at the OW Fly-Ins over the years. Other than the NATS (that was) I can't think of anywhere you can get such a variation in different disciplines on one weekend. From TomBoying , Eberneezering, Control lining and more recently allowing me to fly my autogyros, we've had some memorable days. Thankyou to all who have been envolved in the organisation of this event. All good things come to an end.
  2. Thanks for the info Paul, I will get the said model from the shed later. It could be a gnat but I'm pretty sure it's a low winger. Here is me with my LMC Hawk when I completed it.
  3. I built the hawk when I was younger, it flew really well with an Irvine 61 up front but lacked any speed due to adding on a 'mouse' silencer to get it below 82dcb. I gave it to my mate years ago and have just got it back as he passed a few months ago. I've also acquired another prop jet from his collection around the same size. I will have to dig it out but I'm sure it's a hunter ( could be wrong though). Built in the same way as the SMC Hawk, ie: fibre glass fuz, foam veneered wings etc. Sorry to go off topic but did they or Peterborough models kit a Hunter?
  4. A credit to you Ron, I'm sure your clubmate Ian would be pretty pleased with your rebuild and maiden. Canards are great fun.
  5. Hi Steve, Happy New year. I've been busy catching up on jobs around the house so the Gyroo II was put to one side. That said there's not much to complete the project so I hope to get back on it soon then submit to the mag. Once I have a firm publcation date I will post here. Rich
  6. I refurbished my Galahad a few years ago and electrified it, it gets an airing every now and again on those very rare calm summers evenings. Like Andy I had to increase my rudder area and add quite a bit of right thrust, mine is as per the plan. My club mate has also reduced his dihedral and added ailerons, it flies equally as well just not with the same charm. Look forward to seeing how yours progresses. Here's mine in action:
  7. Looking good. One of our club members built one over a 30 odd year period and its almost exact scale, I was a teenager when it was started and lucky enough to maiden it all these years later. It is powered by a LASER 120 vee twin and it needs it all, as Chris suggests it is not the lightest of models but flies well. Dereck's is modelled on a Morane-Saulnier MS 500 Croquet which was built under license. Here is a video I took of him going around it prior to covering, there is another of it flying which I will try and find: Please accept cookies to access this content
  8. Crumbs, your work area is bigger than my house! very, very nice.
  9. Sad news David. I've always been an admirer of his great work and I am sure he has inspired many, like myself, to have ago at creating their own flying machines. RIP Peter
  10. We had a bit of a get together at my patch in Kidderminster on Sunday, weather was pretty much perfect which encouraged a few more from quite a distance to attend. I guess around 40 autogyros present along with fixed wing and one paramotor, I didn't take many photos as it was none stop flying most of the time, but here are a few:
  11. Favourite diesel is a home made 0.2cc Mills, this is fitted in a OD free flighter. https://youtu.be/MePS2o0CnKU?si=eufk7fNwzSbKv_Nx
  12. MDS 58 (could have been a 48)that was fitted into a Vmar CAP which was equally as awful. Could never get it to run constantly even after changing the carb. Model was destroyed and I think I have the motor to someone.
  13. Irvine 61, fitted it in a Masterline Vandal ( theyd sold out of the Laser 200 I was after)that I'd saved up to buy with my paper round money. Flew it for years and it never let me down once, the Vandal has long gone but I still have the Irvine somewhere. One day a Vandal or laser kit will turn up for sale.
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