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Douglas Wheelhouse

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its sticky backed isnt it? gentle heat with a covering heat gun? but, for me, i would just lay them over the top, and overlap, clean off with an alcohol wipe, get some warm water, drop in a few drops of washing up liquid, apply to the area, remove the backing from the floury strip, and flaot into place, squeege the water away with a paper towel, and leave to set, try to work from the middle outwards, prevents bubbles, solatrim is difficult to get off, you could spoil whats underneath

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Having just repaired a wing for an ARTF mk2 which involved removing the stripes on one side.... Just pull them off. They came off very neatly, just requiring the judicious use of a scalpel blade in one or two places to lift the edge.

BTW those stripes are heavy! I reinforced damaged ribs on one side with scraps of ply and recovered one end with solarfilm cut back at an angle to match the diagonal of the other wing, and even with the ply and glue, my rebuilt wing is lighter than the one with stick back plastic added.

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