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problem with an order with Gs

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on the 2 feb i ordered some parts from gs all parts in stock .. i paid using paypal... the thing is i have had the money taken by them and not had anything in return ... no order email .. no products in the post, nothing..
I have contacted all three emails for them.. and so far not had anything in return ... any one have any ideas?? what i could do .. or have you had the same problems with them

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I had this sort of problem last year with someone else i too did not receive any emails to show the order or had no option to print one of. In the end i used the paypal referrence and contacted the company by email. if you are still having problems you should be covered under paypal. I would give them a ring to try and find out what is going on if that fails or is out of the question you should be able to put in a complaint in with paypal. Paypal will take your money there and then when placing any order. Hope this helps

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Very unusual for GS - I don't deal with them much but they are usually super fast and very efficient. What email addresses have you sent too?


PS Did you try the "contact us" route? If you tried an address that previously sent you say an order confirmation for another order it might be an unmonitored postbox intended only for outgoing mail.

Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 13/02/2013 20:49:59

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I presume you had a confirmation from PayPal?

Are you using your PayPal email address?

Check your Junk email. Unless GS is recognised by your firewall their emails will go there.

GS normally send an order confirmation email with hours of you placing the order and another on dispatch.

If you send them a message through their 'contact us' sytem as soon as it is received it automatically sends out an email to you with a 'support ticket' number on it.

I am not singing their praises but in my experience lack of communication is not a problem.

I hope this helps.

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Hi BEB and Simon

Yes i have tried the contact us route and the 2 email addresses at the bottom of this page. not had anything in reply .. the only one i had was the day that i made the order i received one from paypal saying a echeque has been sent and another saying that its cleared over 6 days ago. now a little lost and not happy that £25 in money has gone out my bank via paypal to GS but with nothing in return just a ID code from PP . the last time i used them my products turned up within the week.. was very happy but not this time.. have been into all emails and nothing from them open setting and they added to contact list only the previous one is there
regards Adrian
[email protected]
[email protected]

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Posted by Rob Dunn on 13/02/2013 20:20:41:

I had this sort of problem last year with someone else i too did not receive any emails to show the order or had no option to print one of. In the end i used the paypal referrence and contacted the company by email. if you are still having problems you should be covered under paypal. I would give them a ring to try and find out what is going on if that fails or is out of the question you should be able to put in a complaint in with paypal. Paypal will take your money there and then when placing any order. Hope this helps

thanks for your comment .. thats how it was with me to a T thats how they have done things with me.. i will not be using paypal from now on though as last time i did it on card this time i used pp and its not worked out for the better..

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Posted by ben goodfellow 1 on 13/02/2013 20:22:16:

i too had a problem with an order , BUT it was royal fail with me gs were super and sent me a replacement duplicate order out i had to wait i think 15 days there is a thread on here some where discussing it

Hi good fellow i will have a look see if i can find the post on this... so far i think its the paypal side thats the problem but i cant be sure maybe it is the mail service cant be to sure..

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Posted by Adrian Day on 13/02/2013 23:54:48:

Hi BEB and Simon

Yes i have tried the contact us route and the 2 email addresses at the bottom of this page. not had anything in reply .. the only one i had was the day that i made the order i received one from paypal saying a echeque has been sent and another saying that its cleared over 6 days ago. now a little lost and not happy that £25 in money has gone out my bank via paypal to GS but with nothing in return just a ID code from PP . the last time i used them my products turned up within the week.. was very happy but not this time.. have been into all emails and nothing from them open setting and they added to contact list only the previous one is there
regards Adrian
[email protected]
[email protected]

In the future, I would avoid paying with eCheques as they take 6 days to clear.

I suspect what has happened is that GS saw that the order hadn't been paid on the day when the order would usually be fulfilled (if paid with credit card/instant bank transfer), so it got pushed off the "Todo" list. Now its paid, its lost further up the order list where all other orders had been fulfilled.

Have you tried phoning them? Their number, given on the home page, is "0844 848 2886" - admittedly not very clearly shown on there!


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Hi Simon
thank you for your msg thanks for the number too .
yes you was 90% right there .. as it was sent via a echeque they hadn't seen that it had cleared i have called them and they have assured me that it will be sent out in the the next 24 hours . and have apologised for any problems that have been caused ..
fingers crossed then that they turn up in the next few days ..

thank you again for the help and thank you to everyone else for your comments and help also

regards Adrian

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As same as BEB here...

I had one "problem" with them a few weeks back. I ordered some servos, fuel line and female pilot figure. Instead of her, I received pack of washers. I filled form in the customer support, and received her next day, free of any charge, also they let me keep washers for free, even tho I wanted to pay for it.

I don't shop online very often, but still it is good to know they won't let you down and are able to take responsibility for own mistakes....



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thank you BEB and Major,
not had the luck that you have had major but i have received confirmation email saying that it was put in the post at 4 this afternoon. i hope that it gets to me double quick but i would guess that with the post being the way that it is, that's going to be monday now but i can but be thankful that i have things sorted out now..

its good to that they did get back to me as soon as was possible and that the 2 people Tom and Simon got things sorted as fast as they did.

I hope that this is a one off for me as i have been planning to order some more things from them , but i would hope that this doesn't happen again
regards Adrian

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well a happy person got my order today ... was sent out at 4pm on the 14th and was with me on the 15th by midday .. all seems to be in good working order apart from the esc thats got a few dead spots anyone know how to programme these with out having to have a programme card??? this is the ESC

regards Adrian

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