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Looking for a cowl for my Carl Goldberg Super Chipmunk.

Paul james 8

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As the title says I'm looking for a cowl for an old Goldberg 64" span Super Chipmunk.

I bought the model recently and did all that was needed to get it flying, it is a true peach of a plane to fly so I'm now looking to go over it properly and do a bit of a refurb job.

I've fitted an OS 95V into mine, had to repair the exhaust outlet in the head but it runs superbly and gives the plane plenty of go.

Hope someone here might know of a UK source for such things.

All the best,


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Thanks very much for the great response guys, I think I will go with a Carbon Copy one and crack on with the work to get the plane neat and tidy.

Mine has been covered in red solartex rather than the fancier standard colours but it still looks great.

I could be tempted to buy a tidier one if anyone has one for sale.

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I have an unused goldberg cowl for the chipmunk.- still in the raw white as delivered.

bought it for my chipmunk which had an involuntary roll into the deck when some decorative film came loose and blanked the aileron. I had a saito 90 in it - flew great - i used to just fly it to height then dive with engine on idle and listen to the whistle of the prop/plane as it passed by - a great sound.

If you want it, message me


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My Goldberg Super Chippy is around 25 years old, still on the original Magnum .91FS (OS clone) engine, although IIRC on its second set of bearings and ASP carb.. The cowl is mullered and repaired loads of times, but with the patina on the rest of the airframe after so much work, I've grown to like it as it is. Covered in Glosstex with the box artwork paint finish and decals that took ages to do - it's steadily declining as is its owner along with it.laugh

Always raises the eyebrows of newer flyers who clearly don't believe me when I tell them how old the model is and how much flying it's done. If ever a kit needs reintroducing, it's Goldberg's Chippy. I think they've put the nice Cub back into manufacture, so maybe they will in time.

Thought about getting a Carbon Copy cowl, but it'd show up the rest of the modelwink

Edited By Cuban8 on 30/08/2019 09:51:26

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Know what you mean about the patina, mine has a rather gnarly looking old latex pilot but he's kept her in the air so far, he can keep the job for now.

Apart from the cowl I'll just fix up minor bits such as a bit of damage to the end of the elevator and tidying up the edges of the covering where it is coming loose.

One thing I'm having a bit of a problem with is stopping it from nosing over when I'm taxiing out on the strip. If the grass is less than perfect every time I blip the throttle the tail wheel lifts, losing steering. That is with full up elevator held in, I cant add any more elevator throw as it will then catch the underside of the rudder. Don't want to mess with the C of G as she flys so nicely. I've set the wheels so that the centreline is just ahead of the leading edge when viewed from directly above.

I've found it to be a very forgiving plane to fly and (so far) it has survived my gross incompetence.

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  • 3 years later...
On 30/08/2019 at 05:10, Guest said:


I have an unused goldberg cowl for the chipmunk.- still in the raw white as delivered.

bought it for my chipmunk which had an involuntary roll into the deck when some decorative film came loose and blanked the aileron. I had a saito 90 in it - flew great - i used to just fly it to height then dive with engine on idle and listen to the whistle of the prop/plane as it passed by - a great sound.

If you want it, message me



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