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Rans S-9 Chaos build


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Hi peter Miller

I have just started to cut out the parts to build your S-9 Chaos.

I have a question regarding the wings. I see the main spars are tapered down to 1/8 from R6 to R11 which side of the spar is tapered is it the outside face or the inside face which locates on he bottom of the slots in the ribs.

Many thanks

Peter Mercer

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Hi Peter, From the designer's own thread. 

The spars are tapered on the inside because the ribs get narrow so you will notice that the spar slots get shallower towards the tip. If they didn't the ribs would be extremely narrow between the spar slots.

So you should taper the spar before laying it down but you can taper it once pinned down but obviously before gluing on the ribs



Edited By barryt on 15/10/2020 14:58:51

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Yes. You are the second person with that question.

I am sorrry to make the old quote.

"When all else fails...read the instructions!"

If they are not in the magazine instructions. It pays to look at every related part, i.e. spars and the rib slots etc.

Plans can be complicated but checking and cross checking will usually solve a conundrum

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