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Hybrid 60" Plank

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Fuselage is ordinary PLA except for carbon ballast tube.


Wing is 75g laminating film on hotwired EPS (as I can't get EPP).

You have to be carefull with the temperature of the iron!!


Spars are double, full-length, 6mm carbon tube (top and bottom).

Has hardwood LE and balsa sub TE with correx ailerons. Tips have ply end-caps.


Think I'd change TE for thin hardwood, and swap ailerons for hard balsa. 


Plan and Fusion 360 model on Tim's GitHub pages (url at start I think).


My Fusion 360  mods are VERY untidy - would send only via PM as they are a bit embarrassing!!





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  • 7 months later...

Have been flying Mk3 for six months and again, it's always one of the planes I take up the slope as it never fails to bring a grin to may face, and I know I'll get a flight unless its <5mph.


Stuffed it into the hillside and managed to damage the fuselage a few weeks ago - could of simply glued it back together, but simply printed a couple of replacement parts instead 🙂


But it got me to thinking about the next version, as have got a bit bored with my spit (which I will return to).

I'd like it to go a little faster, and roll quicker, but still want it to be a quick and cheap build.


So small changes I intend for mk4:


  1. Use the fuselage ballast tube and don't put one in the wing.
  2. Use balsa elevons to help streamlining.
  3. Make the linkages a bit more streamlined.
  4. Use a PW51 airfoil (about 10% thinner than the MH45).
  5. Use wing bolts rather than sticky tape to make access easier (!). (may put Rx in wing under fus)
  6. Use 2 x 1oz glass rather than 75 micron laminating film covering  (the film gets a bit wrinkly after a while with the abuse that a slope model takes).
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Cut PW51 cores:




LE went a bit strange with the downward cut so will need to put in more stops and maybe make the cut before the wing surfaces. Can sort LE with a bit of sanding and pos micro balloons so gave sanding stick present of smart new covering of p120 🙂

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Sanded LE, TE and roots for good contact glue surfaces, then glued and taped beds:


Contact glue works well as has great grab but allows repositioning if still wet/tacky 


POR for beds, Technicoll for cores .


Dremmeled spars groves top and bottom:




Scrap for getting offset and depth got round trail and error messing around of last time 🙂

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Hmmm.... forgot I had intended to add 1/8th ply endcaps to wing before spars and TE so had to mess around with drill holes and shape. Imperfect fit meant that I wasn't confident of contact adhesive holding so used epoxy which was a right pain to sand down to shape. MUST remember to add endcaps first next time 🙄 


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3 hours ago, GrumpyGnome said:

Brown Gorilla Glue sticks REALLY well, and sands easily.... for next time.

Yes, great idea  - I did use it for the spars (or rather the 5-minute Everbuild version).


Why I didn't use PU for these endcaps I have no idea, 🤔🙄 😕😬 you can even see it on the spar under the red bottle of epoxy above!

I can only plead senility ...

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Contact glued 3mm cedar LE and shaped. Cut hole & recess for/and glued in double 1/8th ply back plate and balsa front block - used PU and PVA  this time for the basa block 🙂

(didn't think that the fit of back of balsa bloc was good enough for PVA so used PU there)



I would of liked the grain on the balsa block to go longitudinally, as one of its main functions is to stop the LE caving in on  fast arrival 🙂 But it didn't quite reach to the carbon spars like that - so c'est la vie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thinnest aileron stock i could find was about 2mm too thick, microplaned it down which was a bit hairy as width of stock wider than micro-plane and it kept on skimming over the wood or digging in too much. And that was with a fresh blade.




Then sanded to final shape. 


image.thumb.png.29a4f7959f23d269ddd95b01bd37b2cf.pngLE of aileron and TE of 

Elevon LE and wing sub-TE took an age with sanding bar. Next time I think I'll bag the whole wing and then cut the ailerons out!!


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Spent a while testing old servos. The cheaper wing servos seemed to have quite a lot of slop 😞 but I baulked at using the KSTs at £33 a pop for what is supposed to be a cheap model.  The MKS are also quite pricy so went with the old bluebird 105s from a previous model (and am now feeling like scrooge!!) 


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Balsa template for dremeling out servo holes did not work well 😧 🤥. Just prepping with scapple much quicker and more accurate.


Under and over servo linkages went in surprisingly easy 🙂as just dremmelled the channels and will cover with glass.




 Servos in with (yellow) drinking straws for leads 🙂

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Added elevons with 25g/m2 aramid hinges, circa 10mm top, and 18mm bottom. May be a bit ott, but I hate sellotape hinges gradually coming apart 😬



Aramid was from offcut of old material that I had sprayed with 77spray glue a couple of years ago +  cheap transfer tape- made it much easier to handle. I'd been dreading it a bit but went on quite easily  with just the right gap.

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Gave 2 quick coats of filler mix in places with big dings, covered top, bottom, elevons with 25g glass + one coat WBP.



The very fragile glass cloth went on surprisingly easy - but not to be attempted late at night after a couple of pints (!)


Now wish I had used the filler mix all over - as very easy and fast to put on smooth coating, and stops WBP soaking into EPS voids 😕

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Quick weight check:



Weight of mk3 seems to have grown from original 860g to 927g. Only difference is I reprinted the fuselage in yellow - so suspect I forgot to set the fill to 0% for some of the components.


Mk4 at 874g not bad, but I'm going to add more glass to improve ding resistance and may paint top of wing - this will likely move the CoG aft a bit so will need increased nose weight. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Added 50g/m2 glass to forward 4"-5" of wing, top and bottom with brushed over ultra-low viscosity epoxy:




This may seem a little crazy to put 50g/m2 on top of 25g/m2, but my idea was that light glass + wbp would 'seal' the EPS voids, while not adding too much weight, while the heavier glass + resin would add a reasonable ding resistance (I just didn't fancy the idea of all that very fluid epoxy going into all the voids 😞 )


Rollered off excess with foam roller on toweling - this combo worked really well so will definitely do this next time 🙂 



But had afterthought that I should of coated top of sevo boxes and esp. the screw heads in wax before covering in the glass 🤔

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Gave quick sand with 120 grit mesh - surprised at the coarseness of sandpaper that I could use. Sprayed with high-build primmer to find bumps and lows - there are lots!! Saned with 120 and coated in Feddy B's sauce filler mix:


Hmmm... lots of specs of talc I think - must siv 50yr old talc first next time 🤔


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I meant to note that some of the deep fill primer must have got through the 25g glass/WBP combo and started dissolving the foam  EEK!

Not so bad, and only in one place, so coverup was quick.

BUT could of been a bit of a disaster, blush  😞


I think it was where I sprayed too much primer on an area with little filler - silly really, as I just wanted it to show high/low spots after sanding, and probably no need for the heavier deep fill at this stage 🤔


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