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SE5a plans from Flying Scale Models magazine July 2007

Ian Easton

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The cheapest way to get a copy of any Outerzone plan is to download to a recent free copy of Adobe Acrobat and print it at 100percent on an A4 printer by 'Tileing' ( also tick the join lines button) and assemble with Selotape.   Half an hour with a scalpel and Selotape and an almost free plan.   I cut down the middle of left joint line leaving half of the line then overlap onto the right joint line, then selotape whilst pinned down.  Simple!

Otherwise download to a memory stick and take to a copy shop.

( the Outerzone one seems a poor copy  for the SE5 design - normally better. But it might print OK -try one section )


Frankly I doubt that any of the magazine collectors on the forum will part with the original magazine or original plan, but they might offer you a copy at cost. 


I see that Peter Rake also did a 38 inch SE5 for FSM August 2004.   Keep checking EBay for a copy of either magazine?

Edited by kc
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