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Scale plans


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Hi, this is only my second post, so please let me know if I am doing this right. I am attempting to build a 64 inch wing span spitfire, from A set of Royal Corp plans, there is a few things I am not sure about, on the plan it sometimes shows a build line, and then a scale line, typically on the win tips and tail plane tips. Can anyone enlighten me please. 

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The area of the tailplane has been increased by making the tailplane outline larger than scale. This has been done to improve the flying characteristics of the model. The same goes for the wing to a lesser degree. This is often done on 'sport scale' models.


You could build to either of the lines, depending on whether scale accuracy or slightly improved flying qualities appeal most to you.


You will also notice that two different C of G positions are shown, depending on which outline is followed.


That's quite a decent plan, because although it was originally supplied with a kit, it includes the wing rib and fuselage former outlines. Most kit plans don't have these.


Enjoy the build.



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Model designers sometimes make slight alterations to the scale outline to better proportion tail size etc to make better flying model.


True scale is shown with dotted outlines.


Unless you're aiming for world champ just build to the plan.


Just like Rotton Row said while I typed this.

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