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Flair Sopwith Pup

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Hi all.
I've finally got round to doing some work on my Flair Pup and I was wondering if anyone else had built one?  I bought mine half built some years ago and found that it had a twist down the 'oil rig' section of the fuselarge. It also had the engine mounts fixed for a 40 2 stroke and I wanted to fit a slightly larger 4 stroke, details I didn't realise at the time of purchase! Once I realised the work involved to correct it and get it how I wanted I shelved it and started a new project. But the time has come to stop starting new builds and complete the ones half built, so the pup is having pride of place on the balsa bashing bench.
Does anyone have any tips on the build? Has anyone fitted a larger engine than normal? I already have an idea on how to squeeze in my Enya 60, how would you do it?
Cheers, Iain.
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I built one of these some years ago, it took ages. I cant offer any tips on the build only to say get the wing incidences absolutely correct or you will have problems getting the wing struts to fit properly. there isnt much room for "adjustment" once the strut connections are glued into the wings. I fitted an OS 52 4 stoke in mine and there was bags of power.
I think an Enya 60 would be about right.
Best of look with the build. you will be well rewarded with a fine flying model.
Regards, John
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Thanks John. Yes i've heard about the angle of incidence on bipes, its a tricky one. I've been flying for years but this will be my first bipe so all new experience. Thats what I love about this hobby, theres always something new to learn
When I bought the model the lower wing was already built but I had to do the top wing myself. Whoever did the lower wing incorrectly glued the Aileron end ribs to the main ribs so there was lots of cutting and making new parts!  I kind of wish I had jst bought the kit new and started from scratch.
The Enya 60 is a fairly large engine for its cc and has a wide mounting point. I have decided to set the engine back and build a new bulhead. It's also a lot heavier than the OS52. Did you need any Lead anywhere?
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Hi there . There are pictures of my Puppeteer  & mods to the front for fitting an SC 52 Fst  on my photos / albums info in the little box up on the top left of my details . I can access them but I don't know whether you can .. If not will try to post more directly ( what i really mean is I'll get someone else to post them 'cos I'm a dumbhead when it comes to that sort of thing )
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Hi Myron. I've just had a look at your pictures, very neat job.  I couldn't do what you have done because the engine bearers were already glued in and the Enya60 is much wider. I also have a 52 4C and even that was too wide for the mount. It would have been much easier if I had built it from scratch, I could have built around the engine, modifying it has proven to be more difficult.  I'll get there.  Got to figure out where to put the exhaust.  I think I'll need to make a new pipe.
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