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edwards flyboy

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About edwards flyboy

  • Birthday 01/11/1945

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  1. Qall good now ,thanks for your pics Frank
  2. Thanks for that Frank,it's a Mark 1 Surpass,the throttle barrel is above the carbon,but that solution will help, providing that it does not interfere with the tank
  3. I'm having g difficulty running the throttle wire from an OS 70 Surpass to the servo in a wots wot,due to the carb being so central on the.the engine,any help would be appreciated
  4. The Haig 3D was a low wing type,flew ok but had bad rudder fishtailing ,I built a new one last year,I'VE got some very battered plans,and a kit.
  5. All sorted, thanks guys. The problem was default setting was to 6x4 page size. Chenged to A4 and all is well. Regards Bernard
  6. Irecently bought a wireless printer an epson xp445,Iwant to use it with my samsung tablet. Ihave downloaded the drivers but all my printing efforts come out in miniature ,where am i going wrong ,can anyone help, my photos print full size as do all my photocopying attempts. I am hopeless with computers and if this plea for help does not work, I will have to bite the bullet and pay P.C World £35 for their assistance.Living in hope Regards to all Bernard.
  7. thanks for finding the instructions Martin,E Mail or cop[y would be great.chatting to Richard at db there have been various updates to this model over the years, the one you have may predate the one he sent me,and it would be nice to check it out.my kit hss plug in wings,but the plan is by no means clear.I usually follow the 4 Max recomendations on the DB website for electric setups,but I buy the equipment from Hobbyking,im told the motors are the same and cosiderably cheaper.He gives battery sise and prop sise as well.Again thanks for digging out the information,Ihave sent you a message with my E Mail and home address Regards. Bernard
  8. Result. Igave richard a ring and he kindly sent me a copy of the instructions in an E mail, the kit I had was manufactured around 2001 and bought at a swapmeet last week. Agreat buy at £80.Thanks for the advice guys,Richard was most helpfull and did not charge for this,it seems there are many variations of Cub instructions .As i was on the phone I ordered a plan pack for a bistormer 60,I will build this for electrick power.It will take a week or so to come as you guys poited out he is moving premises this weekend.AGAIN THANKS FOR THE ADVICE.
  9. Help wanted,does anyone have a copy of the building instructions for this 84 inch kit.I HAVE JUST BOUGHT A KIT AND THEY ARE MISSING. THIS IS A PRE LAZER CUT KIT. I would of course pay all costs involved, or send them to me and I will copy and return.hopefuly someone can help.
  10. i have recently bought a deuces wild airframe whitch has been kitted out for electric flight,however the last owner also meant to fit retracts,so removed the wire undercart and binned it this plane has never flown, so im wondering if anyone has done this and saved the undercart and would be preparted to part with this tricicle set i would be happy to pay within reason,it would be a shame if this airframe never took to the air. i would also be prepared to part with it for a fair offer Regards Bernard.
  11. I HAVE A FOAM MODEL XMAS PRESENT.This is a World Models plane The problem is the plastic stickers, you know the type cut them from a sheet and press them down. How on earth do you prevent the tips from lifting?. It took all day to cut and stick them ,and two hours to get the plane ready to go after that .
  12. PatMc This is a little more climb than is normal, full down has to be held in with full throttle, the model is so docile and can be flown around like this, aileron response is great and needs no rudder in the turns, the 2 flights were in a mild breeze. God help me if its blowing a little. Going to have to do something to try and sort it out when it,s next flown thanks for your input. Regards Bernard.
  13. I LOVE THESE MINI WOT 3,S Electric powered 39 inch span,been flying them for many years now , lust made a pair of new ones. It is not Pink it is Heather, O.K.
  14. I went with the front spar for the balance point,however it,s only had 2 flights and it needs full down elevator to stop it climbing ,this is a flat climb, not nose up. I did queery the down thrust on the forum , the general view was leave it as per plan Ican try some downthrust on the motor, or maybe lift the trailing rdge by an eighth. Anyone cured this problem.
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