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About Comper

  • Birthday 19/12/1948

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  1. So sad to hear Brian has passed away, I talked to him at the nationals in the 1970s, seeing his models started me on scale modeling Brians plans are the go to for scale models and I know his models are famous world wide, he has a big following in the United States.
  2. Maiden flight of the D Bryant Percival Gull today
  3. April 25th I’ve had plenty of flights now with the Elf, still tracking straight and does well in windy conditions. Saito 40 FS is perfect and even with a small 4 oz tank I’m getting 10 minutes with plenty to spare running on half throttle.
  4. What was wrong with all things model flying ?
  5. Maiden flight today 6th March 2024 weather fine a bit blustery. The model tracked well a little bit of toe in on the wheels so no problem. flying on low rates but not low enough so a bit skitty on elevator. Second flight with much reduced rate on elevator it was a different model and turns well on rudder doesn’t need ailerons. The Saito 40 FS is well matched in fact flying at half throttle. looking forward to flying the Elf on calm sunny days this summer. Mike
  6. I started the build on the 14th Dec 23 its not the easiest kit but enjoyable.
  7. I don't mind the nuts and bolts I've got a 1/4 scale SE5 so the Elf is a picnic. I'll report back on the ground looping. It won't be as scary as it was for the free flight aeromodellers in 1938 they were the brave ones
  8. The Elf is finished, maiden flight as soon as the weather improves
  9. Just a bit more sanding and minor jobs before I start putting the Oratex covering on
  10. More work done on the Elf this week, the bottom wing
  11. Not had much time this week on the Elf except doing more shaping on the cowl. Saito 40 fits in nicely. Onto the wings next.
  12. I’ve been working on the cowl, I want it to come off in one piece so plenty of room to get to the engine. I’m still working on the shape so it’s going to take a few more days. As you can see on the pictures I’ve got a ply plate on the back and the rest is done with sheet balsa and triangular strip.
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