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martin collins 1

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Everything posted by martin collins 1

  1. SKYWAY MODELS Hawk 70 kits will be available at Buckminster this weekend, Masons Models who are producing these kits is my local model shop and i am bringing a few Hawk 70 kits with me. Many will remember the original Plan Pack Skyway kits, these new ones from Steve Mason have all the pre cut wood included, requiring just the smaller hardware, wheels, tank etc to be sourced to suit the builder. Steve can offer these but the bits can also be sourced from SLEC at the weekend or your local model shop. This is a Best of British weekend at Buckminster, why not buy one of these British made kits, they are a well proven design that look like a 1940`s Miles Magister type aircraft, the Skyways Hawks are well known for their great flying characteristics. Pick one up from me at Buckminster and save yourself the postage cost, i have no financial interest in these kits, just helping out a British kit manufacturer who is local to me, price for the kits is £209 at Buckminster. Here is the link to the Hawk 70 information:- https://masonsmodels.co.uk/product/skyway-models-hawk-70/
  2. I have a 9cc petrol but wouldn`t get it down anywhere near the 82db noise limit at one of my clubs and this is the one where i do the majority of my winter flying due to the condition of the strip at the other club during the cold wet months. i do have a silicone tube but it is the tailplane that is coping the residue and eventually it will seep in round the hinges etc. I guess the 4 stroke option is the best choice, will a 52 give me similar performance to the 46 2 stroke?
  3. I stopped flying glow models years ago due to the oily mess but have started flying them again in the last 6 months, i find that some of the newer 4 strokes hardly produce any mess at all, however i have one model with a two stroke Irvine 46 on it that just coats the model with a lot of oil which is how i remember it from years ago. I like the performance on the model as it is a sport aerobatic type and was considering changing the engine out for a 52 4 stroke, would i get the same performance from that or do the newer generation of two strokes like the OS 55 AX leave less cr*p on the model if i put that in instead? I have an electric set up that would do it but would have liked to have kept this one i.c.
  4. Nooo... they got the rose and crown `Bumpsey daisey, you can teach monkees to fly better than that`
  5. Bit blowy here this morning but the wind gave a bit of extra lift for the maiden flight of my 1/5 scale Pica/Platt Waco, bought as a pre loved it needed loads of lead to get the CofG (previous owner must have removed it as it is definitely needed), an axle issue sorting and the ASP 120 engine mounting up the right way. It looked like it had been built to have the engine this way up but had been modified to run the engine inverted, problem was the fuel tank was about as high as you could get it in the fuselage so it was flooding the engine in the transition range, just where you would be flying it most of the time, causing rough running. The tank bay is as per the kit and would have involved a lot of work to cut it out and build a new one due to internal bulkheads so i took the easy option, engine runs nicely now, three flights in this morning, it is no light weight but handled the wind very well for a bipe.
  6. Same neck of the woods as me Brian, i grew up in Bushey, Hayfield close 😁.
  7. That model is a thing of beauty Richard, all credit to you.
  8. Keep the engine idle as low as possible when landing, on the main wheels as Don says but the shorter and slower you can keep the landing roll out the less chance of it trying to veer off, ground loop or the dreaded one wheel hop which will usually lead to a nose over. I have got mine down to a fine art now but it takes a few landings to find out what keeps it happy...........
  9. Ok, in the planning stages and getting the materials together, am going to order some of these as the basis of the dummy cylinders but am scratching my head as to what to make the exhausts out of to get that shape, would need to be about 15mm diameter to stay scalish. Any suggestions from the forum? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335183627828?_skw=foam+cylinders&itmmeta=01J857VGB89AR0F5KQ041Y2WFZ&hash=item4e0a804634:g:zxEAAOSwF1lljA0W&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmIS5bGgW2tSj63u6bwNwRIpTnuK3QuhIAw43jlB%2BoHd8kh8096%2BNgkq2WZeDBYwaaMkYJDebvfiBqWw7R7FCDXVwmbFTrlIQEeFg8zC5hVLtwnv%2B1Xzt9Ot3J5RRnsMdMMyvoO5%2F0CHl4jD7zTBq%2BDCDowiUUIObPVIvZZc3pMReeEId2LixzwiK8bAJQ--t6jIoLlqMhyBBV8wH08pjOUOTju0ha10yOw2dOXwQ0pdYbz2e8%2ByDIUo5Tj8Q0C7wQFz0njy%2BZPlgus%2BpP1uC2P19Yfxl3ByyBgaOizOPBFsA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_KF7qfBZA
  10. How do you fit the battery in you Einkel Richard, i was thinking of making the front glazing removable by holding it on with magnets so the battery could be inserted through there and sit as far forward as possible, i would sacrifice the scale pilots for having a more favorable balance of the model, you wouldn`t see them once airborne anyway.
  11. The plan is the Chas Maunde one, i was going to use line tape for the cockpit glazing framework, a few hours in front of the TV once the model was built should do it?
  12. Here is a taster of the plans i have for the HE111.
  13. Here are the moulds Richard, they look pretty good to me, if you can use them to offer a part kit based of the plan which i will bring along as well then please do as long as i am first in the Queue 😁. Span is 74"...........
  14. Looks like a straight forward repair Darren, sounds like the thrustline or C of G was maybe out causing the problems?
  15. This project looks like it is on the go again, my wife has a couple of weeks annual leave starting the beginning of October and has suggested we do another 7 day challenge. I have done 2 before, the first was a Hawes Tucano and the second was a light weight Jodel D9 3 channel, that was about four years ago. Time for another challenge i think, i will draw some rough plans up next week and get the Foam board, glue etc in to get the project done, i will post updates daily as i go along, any advice or suggestions to help the build once started will be appreciated. Model will be electric, probably 4s.
  16. Anyone bringing their Warbirds Replicas BF109 to the Best of British/Laser Fly In at Buckminster, would like to have a good look at one, also the JU88, i have both in boxes waiting to get to the head of the queue. Richard, Please bring your Heinkel, i would love to see it in the flesh, i will bring my mouldings and plan with me, hopefully you can use them to make some parts from.
  17. Anyone else bringing their Silhouette along to the BMFA Buckminster Best Of British Fly in on the 28/29th September, would be good to get a few of them in the air together. 😁 I have just bought the moulds for the cowling and cockpit plus a load of the Silhouette decals that were being sold by a friend of the original manufacturer who has passed away. If anyone wants f/g or plastic mouldings or Silhouette decals pm me for prices. Apart from my Electric flyer i have two unbuilt kits (not for sale), i am going to build one up for a 4 stroke i.c, probably some sort of .52.
  18. Looking forward to it, hope we get some decent weather. Laser day ModelTech Nutten Special Laser 100 Max Holste Brussard Laser 80 BOB (hopefully both days as i won`t get all these in my estate car in one go!) DB Bi-Stormer Flair DR1 Cambrian BF109 FunFighter DB DH60 Moth Hawes Tucano Priory Models Silhouette
  19. First flight today for my Max Holste Brussard, 92" span Laser 80 power. Flies a treat, got 4 flights in, didn't need to use the flaps, it comes in very slowly without them, will try them out next time i fly it.
  20. Quite often windy here as we are not too far from the coast, i am a member of two clubs and there are only five or so between the two clubs who will fly in windy conditions, as said take a model that will handle it and does not hold a high monetary/sentimental value and go fly it. I find it helps with concentration and keeps you on your toes flying wise.
  21. As usual Jon you are spot on, engine now removed, weighed and measurements taken and compared with the info on the Laser website, it checks out as a 70 and it is stamped J14 which i guess is your initial manufactured in 2014 🙂 . So i have a 70 and an 80 to go with the 100 in the Nutten Special, i will be bringing that along for the Laser day at Buckminster and if i can get the 80 powered Broussard broken wing strut mount removed and re made and the model test flown i will also bring that with me. The model with the 90 in was sold with the engine as i had these two newer Lasers to play with and more than enough bipes to keep me happy! Thanks for all your help guys.
  22. Many thanks for your comprehensive reply David, looking at the Laser website the 70 has 8 fins, the one in the camo plane has 7 and the nose where the bearings sit is parallel which is why i wondered if it was a 50 though i haven`t seen one of those with the newer style rocker cover. I am in the process of removing the engine as that airframe is up for sale as it is one of two DB Bi-Stormers i have and i prefer the scheme on the other one. I intend using the Laser in another model once the size is identified, I will get some more measurements and weight in the next hour once removed.
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