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John Tee

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Everything posted by John Tee

  1. My club, and I think of it as my club as I was one of the founding members in 1968 although I did have a ten year break. We have been very fortunate in bucking the trend, in that we have reached our limit of 100 adults for the last ten years or more with a regular waiting list. We do lose a few most years. We are lucky enough to have a field we can use seven days a week for electric and gliders with i/c wednesdays and at weekends.The only draw back is in winter it is difficult to reach in very wet weather as it is the third field off the road and clay which causes access problems. we're are short of juniors only having four. Most are in the 50 plus age group. Our chairman is good at organising aa varied range of fun competitons and "special" day events so interest is alway there to try something different. John
  2. Actually got out to the field to fly for the first time in 18 months ( amaiden of a new glider) and the wind was swirling all over the shop so had a chat to two other committee members and then came home. John
  3. Same for me minus 10 points 109 not 119. John
  4. Thank you brokenglish John
  5. Thank you Robin. I hadn't noticed the fins on the Glow motor. I did think the diesel head was a replacement as it is much cleaner than the rest of the motor. Not sure if the owner was also a model engineer like the seller and made up some bits himself. John
  6. On Friday I ordered some 2900mah 4s lipos which arrived yesterday. I didn't think anything of it until I went to charge the for flying in the next few days, when I found 2 were 4s and one was 3s. All were 2900mah. I phoned the shop this afternoon and it was all sorted very quickly including fitting an XT60 plug onto to the replacement battery. First class service from Adam and Sussex Model Centre. John
  7. I have recently bought a couple of older motors form Ebay. The seller is selling a deceased modellers equipment and has a few motors he cannot ID. He is not an aeromodeller but is into engineering and live steam railways so need a bit of help. Any thoughts on the attached photos please. John
  8. I don't tthink there is a legal responsibility as we are all there voluntarily under a club umbrella. We have a signing in book everyone,flying or not has to sign, as a safety check. We have a first aid kit that is checkd regularly. We don't have first aiders as such but we have had a first aid refresher by the St. John's Ambulance at our club nights for the last three years, which have been well attended, and one member actually saved the life of another member when he had an heart attack and remembered what to do (away from the field). So we have nothing formal but it works. We also have a defirilator. John
  9. I haven't checked today, but were there any late penalties? The fantasygp website said I had 186 points yesterday but in our chart I only have 156. John
  10. Thanks Robin. That was an interesting read. So JD8 and jeff2wings were both correct in a way. John
  11. Please accept my apologies Jeff2 wings. I've googled it and it does exist. His motor has what looks like a homemade fuel inlet and air intake tube but other than that kit looks the same. John
  12. Sorry for delay in replying but been at a funeral all afternoon and justngot bacK. Thanks for the suggestions. Not heard of the Dyno. Heard of Oliver, not Battle axe. No offence Jeff2 wings but are you serious? very rare. The chap selling these motors is selling for someone else and knows little of aeromodelling as he is into model engineering - steam locos.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. I've got to go out for a few hours so won't be able to reply for a while. John
  14. Can anyone ID this engine. Not for me this time but will be going on Ebay shortly. John × Uploaded Images
  15. I stand corrected. Your right, I hadn't seen those markings. It is a mrk 2 mongrel. Not the most obvious place to look for a makers mark. John
  16. Brokenenglish. There is nothing on the crankcase except "made in england" on the rear of the crankcase and the serial number on the left side below the exhuast. There are two examples on EBay and neither has anything on the crankcase. One has the serial number on the right side while the other has it on the left side as mine does. This is why I quried if anyone knew the engine as there was no maker ID. John
  17. I know Simon. I have won three small diesels in the last two months. John
  18. It is just typical, just like buses. I asked for info on my unmarked engine which was very quickly ID'd. Just looked on Ebay for spares as suggested and there are two for sale. I should have looked earlier. John
  19. Thanks for all the replies. The smaller prop I'm after is for the small Merlin 0.75 cc. I'll do a search on the web for some spares. I like diesels. I got my first DC Spitfire about 1961/2 and still have it. John
  20. I've got a sore finger from trying to start the .75 DC Merlin when it hydauliced and my finger slid along the prop leaving a minute cut. I will bear in mind your advice and put a glove on. Are there modellers/traders who trade spares for older engines or is it just keep looking on Ebay? I was looking on the website of a well known model shop and the smaller size props 7 - 9 inch seem to be a rarity these days. Plenty of 12 - 24 inch props in IC and electric. I haven't got any smaller ones in my box of props at the moment but I used to have a lot. It would appear the demand is for bigger petrol engine sized props or electric.
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