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Everything posted by Martian

  1. Sorry BEB I asked the question because there is so often unfair comments made about suppliers and would like to feel confident about using online services Martin
  2. Do people feel it would be good to hear more positive experiences with their dealings with HobbyKing, I intend to order a plane from HK UK and will post my experience on here, I have in the past 6 mths bought several items from HK possibly Hong Kong depot (not sure) recieved in 3 weeks including a 18" inch which meant a large box and yes I had to pay duty which at the time was a surprise but after speaking to CS via chat understood the process much better. I have to say as a born again modeller it all feels so different no more LMS's near me but hey thats a sign of the times and online stores such as HK or Giant Shark are a lifeline without which modeling would slowly cease to excist
  3. Phil I've been totally enthralled by your build blog and inovative methods my whole morning has been spent reading all the way through,superb work I look forward to reading more Martin
  4. really had forgotton just how tiring an 80" wing is to cover especially with tough Oracover solarfilm is a breeze compared to this stuff
  5. All I can say is roll on decent flying weather
  6. What engine does it use and what type servos ?
  7. Thank you very much Gordon It did not occur to me that someone would come up with an easier way I'll get my measurements now Martin
  8. having read through some brilliant building and use of depron I am going to explore that option .it would certainly make a much lighter build,also looking to make fuselage out to engine nacelle ,is that a workable idea
  9. HI BEB, thank you for the heads up re servo load calculation have found it in June 2012 mag, will have to seriously study the maths
  10. Hi BEB I'm not a subscriber but do buy the magazine not sure if I have that edition will check thanks for your reply
  11. Hi there when scratch building or from a plan how do you determine the servos torque required. for example using slim wing servos when full size standard servos will not sit right unless you design a bump in the wing.So what determines the force acting on an Aileron on say a 1.5" by 12" aileron on a 80"inch span coming in at 6/7 pounds
  12. it's all coming out now ..thanks for the tips Tim and from you other guys
  13. I've searched a website called Outerzone plans can be downloaded free but no sign of the Consort **LINK**
  14. I've decided a model of this aircraft is do-able.looking at construction options and aerofoil sections full size wings use wortmann fx63-137 aerofoil section will check that out.likely to be balso liteply and carbon rods.canopy area detatchable for access to radio and batts
  15. thanks everyone for the info ,much clearer understanding now .
  16. Yes but no price and their retail sellers in hong kong don't stock it,besides that it's all fibreglass including the wings and comes in at 7lbs ,the span at 65inch is about right but 7lbs seems quite heavy
  17. Well just when you think you have found something unique, this aircraft has been made into a model by a Chinese manufactor called FlyFly..found an Australian build blog for a fibreglass 65inch plane auw supposed to be 3.2kg but he built it to 4.1kg .it seems fibreglass is not thhe way to go it would be to heavy and to fast..Ah well at least it's keeping me busy thinking
  18. An article in the online telegraph .Newly restored Spit with clipped wings joins the remaining few flying ones http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/9828719/Spitfire-reaches-for-the-sky-again-60-years-on.html
  19. hope this OK to post on here if not apologies, I just found it amusing Edited By David Ashby - RCME on 29/01/2013 10:42:04
  20. yes Tim they do look pretty in fact the overall look of this plane is markedly different . here is a picture of another variant of this plane this time featuring the drooped tailets they are almost as long as the winglets the overall effect is similar to a F1 car with all the extra bits.Thoughts please
  21. I would be interested to open a discusion on winglets on both full size aircraft and models, winglets were first fitted on a light plane by Rutan on the Vari-eze although they were part of the integral design.Many light aircraft now use winglets as part of their design.I understand it improves reduction in parasitic drag along with a increased reduction in wingtip stall. only in the past few years have airliners adopted this design many being blended winglets. My interest came about as a result of studying the Diamond DA-42 as a model subject , but what got me intregued was the T Tail on some vairiants of this aircraft have drooped tailets apparantly they are not classed as winglets.so what do they do ? is it to increase tailplane area or perhaps longitude stability.loved to hear your views please.
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