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  1. Ron, has the tendency to dive when full power is applied gone away with different props etc. Nigel
  2. I'm way behind you boys with my build, but I will be fitting a S8R Receiver. The basic programming is already done so I can do motor/prop combination testing
  3. To get the wing leading edge elliptical profile Ron, did you end up with a sharpish nose radius?
  4. Taking my time also. My first real build for a very long time and don't want to mess it up in a big way. I'm following Ron's Vlog and Richards build notes.
  5. Ron's right about not applying too much brown gorilla glue. I've never used it before and obviously applied too much to the TE closing member and nothing seemed to happen until after about an hour and then loads extruded out of the joint and tipped over the balsa strip slightly even though it was secured with tape. Still, easy to rectify. Will know next time I use i! Nigel
  6. Ah, there is only a trailing edge set to fit!
  7. Good Luck with the eye injection Eric, my Wife has just gone off for hers. Fortunately, mine have stopped. Do the leading and trailing edge closing members come separately as I can only find one wing set? Nigel
  8. The C130J was the UK variant with the multibladed prop. Marshalls used one as a test bed for the A400m engine.
  9. Glued the doublers to the fuse sides this afternoon. Hope to sync in with Ron's VLOG next week.
  10. Yes, its 6mm which fits my 3548 motor Richard. I know because the kit arrived safely today. Watched the Parcelforce van go by our bungalow this morning so thought not today and went out to fetch the dog food. When we got back there was a note on the doormat saying parcel at the local Post Office. So, picked it up and ready to go! Nigel
  11. What size is the hole in the spinner disc Richard? Nigel
  12. Do you guys use chargers that you can set the final charging voltage or do you monitor and stop at the charger at the appropriate time?
  13. I struggle to get 50+ cycles out of my 2200maH lipos which are charged at 1C and have a very easy life.
  14. We had those on the NDN Firecracker. Don't remember what effect they had though. Nige
  15. Richards furry friends must have spoken to our posties as the order form arrived today! The cheque is in the post. Nigel
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