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chris meek 1

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  1. Ooh a Barracuda! Can’t see an easy solution to the undercarriage though unfortunately…
  2. Personally I’d say it’s the opportunity to have something a bit different to main stream (I like the fact your 109 is a G rather than an E!)
  3. Richard I remember that article in rcm&e - always liked the look of the 109 in it!
  4. Tbh I’ve always liked to look of the WR bf109, if ever there was another run of them …. 🤞
  5. Happy days - happy to stay with it as is, just remembered Richard making a comment a while back about possibly altering it. Either way it’ll make a lovely looking model!
  6. What was the decision in the end for amount of dihedral?
  7. Quick question - what size servos are folks using for this?
  8. Yes I’ll be after retracts, props, spinners and motors please - happy to wait a few weeks (an early Christmas present to myself??!) 🤣
  9. Yes a new hints and tips thread will be good! Did I see something from Richard earlier saying spinners will be coming later? Or did I imagine that?
  10. My neighbour dropped off a large box this morning- seems they’ve had it since Saturday! 🤣
  11. Still making slow progress- I kind of lost my mojo for a little bit so progress stopped for a few weeks. Back at it though! Escs setup and receiver linked… the twirly bit go round now! Now just to measure the power used with the motors running at max power, and check that the c of g is right. But at least now I can get it taxying up and down the runway! (Must resist temptation to pull back on the stick though until I’ve made sure c of g is right!!)
  12. A quick search on fleabay came up with this - may be an option but would need some surgery…..
  13. This is the figure I got off of eBay (no 3d printer for me! 😢) - the first one I got was nice and smooth and painted up nicely but the second one the print lines were a lot more visible. Still painted up ok though and once behind the cockpit glazing you can’t see it.
  14. Is anyone able to 3d print a set of antlers for those wanting to do a nightfighter?
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