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conrad taggart

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  1. I run mine on heating oil - which i just take from the houses main tank - told it runs cleaner - and costs about 60-70p per litre - closer to 60p last time i did a refill. Been running it for a few years now without issues
  2. If you don't like programming try an FRsky Ethos radio . Far easier than open tx as Ethos is more menu driven. This guy does a series of videos. Lots of differeernt Frsky Ethos based radios to choose from https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/radio-transmitters Ethos is always evolving and being made more simple.
  3. This is a reply to a previoious post asking what chargers people use - see quote below. The ISDT links are broken although most of the ISDT chargers and Hota chargers can be seen here https://hobbyking.com/en_us/all-products.html#q=&idx=hbk_live_magento_en_us_products&dFR[warehouses][0]=UK&dFR[warehouses_stock_data][0]=UK|1&dFR[warehouses_stock_data][1]=UK|2&dFR[warehouses_stock_data][2]=UK|3&dFR[warehouses_stock_data][3]=Global|1&dFR[warehouses_stock_data][4]=Global|2&dFR[warehouses_stock_data][5]=Global|3&hFR[categories.level0][0]=Batteries %2F Chargers %2F%2F%2F Chargers&is_v=1 "I use a ISDT 8 https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/isdt-t8-1000w-dc-charger ; am ISDT q8 https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/isdt-q8-500w-dc-charger ; two ISDT nano 6's https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/isdt-q6-nano-200w-dc-charger. I also have Hota D 6 Pro which is identical to this https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-reaktor-d6-pro-duo-ac-dc-6s-balance-charger-discharger-w-smartphone-wireless-charging-dc325w-x-2-uk-plug.html?queryID=ce1057f7f23127e042f840cd23b37406&objectID=80914&indexName=hbk_live_products_analytics" If i had to pick only one it would be the Hota 6 pro which has its own power supply, two channels so you can charge separately, a USB port which enables me to charge my radio at the same time, a wireless charger for the phone plus it can be used as a field charger. The navigation/ screen is very good (better than the ISDTs) and it has a fairly high capacity / performance fig. Indeed I have found it to be more reliable than the ISDT's." I have since moved from the ISDT's to this set-up (see link below) in conjunction with the Hota listed above and found it absolutely brilliant
  4. There are various versions of this plane with different recommended CofGs ! See facebook posting below . I went for a 4500 6 cell (620 g) right up to the firewall ... https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=sebart Most of the posting is copied below Hope you can help? I have a Sebart Sukhoi 50e. Unfortunately I don't know which version it is - version 1 or version 2 so I am unsure of which of the recommended C of G's to use. The colour scheme is black and yellow (which I see a lot of versions 2's on the web) but I don't know whether this scheme was exclusive to version 2. I have attached a picture of the model below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.… See more Paul Carr If unsure, I would go with the cg that's the furthest forwards of the two model versions, and have a two rates of elevator travel, one at the recommended low rate and the other set at a little more. Then see how she flies, trim it straight and level, then roll inverted and see how it pitches. Land and check where the elevator position is. If its slightly up, then you're nose heavy, so lose a little weight from the nose/ slide the battery back a little. Or let me know when you intend to fly and I'll come up if I'm not deployed Conrad Taggart Author Paul Carr Thanks Paul - more or less did what you said.e Dries Neyrinck Top contributor Go for CG on the wingtube and adjust to your own tast Conrad Taggart Author Thanks all sorteded guys - took a 4500 6 cell (620 g) right up to the firewall the c of g was just in front of the wing joiner ! Maiden went well - just a couple of clicks of up trim .... Kingsley Veal Top contributor Manual says 125mm back from the leading edge. This normally at the wing tube. All the manuals are available on line the CoG section is normally the last page Dave Long It a v2 same as my one Conrad Taggart Author Dave what's makes you say that - spoke to dumfries-model-flying (who are the distributors and sellers of Sebart models) and they reckon it is a version 1 - think it was to do with the distributor named on the plane and how long they were out of business ... but if there is anything i should look for speicifically on the plane please let me know as the CoG's are very different
  5. A fair number of people use these (which i think Peter is referring to) in their Magnus and similar sized gliders https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/emax-es3352-124g-mini-digital-servo-with-metal-gears
  6. Looking for a Rocker Cover for an SC 70fs (I believe an ASP one would fit) - checked on-line can't seem to find the part anywhere. If anybody has a rocker cover or an engine that doesn't work please drop me a line Many thanks Conrad
  7. Think I found the c of g after searching through and reading a fair lot of posts "David, again from the manual - CofG 3 1/4" plus or minus 1/4" back from wing dowel plate/former No. 7." Original thread
  8. Please and they were ? In the same position
  9. yep each channel on the charger can do this ... the screens are also very clear and intuitive ... In terms of the power supply more options here http://coolice.co.uk/cccases/coolice-psu-s.html
  10. Just set this up over the last couple of weeks and I am very pleased with it. Offers tremendous flexibility (can charge 4 batteries at the same time with different or identical chemistry) at a very good price. The charger is a Hota F6 The power supply (1500 watt, 25 volt, 62.5 amp) is extremely well put together and provides more than enough power for the charger to deliver its full potential (250 watts per channel / 1000 overall -note some chargers require 48 volt power supplies to deliver anywhere near the maximum claimed. The power supply was supplied by [email protected] and was made and delivered within less than a week of ordering (with the specified xt60 lead) for the cost of £100. Ian has various threads on RC groups forums for those that want a further look Might be worthy of consideration for those that want a fairly powerful and flexible charging solution
  11. Horses for courses = some excellent testing done here ?
  12. Except that you don't have to plug the balance lead of the lipo into the current reader every time you fly and take it out again at the end. This is fit and forget - you do what you normally do. I might be lucky but as I balance charge my batteries before I fly them I have never had one go significantly out of synch / balance during flight. If they are misbehaving I tend to pick it up when charging - either at the start or end of the charge !
  13. Anybody that uses FRSKY receivers may find the attached article of interest. http://www.50k-or-bust.com/Model Aircraft/Flight Battery Monitor 01.pdf
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