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Gordon McConnell

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  1. Well done Richard. Looking forward to receiving it ( need to pay you first!). Gordon
  2. Hi Richard, I am working (slowly) on my Hurricane but I could not resist having a Bf 110 as a first twin. Put me on the list please. Thanks. Gordon
  3. Very good news Richard. You are inspiring all of us with your enthusiasm to bring us excellent warbirds designs. My P51 and FW190 were great to build and even better to fly. Looking forward to completing my Hurricane and then the next one whatever it is! Hope the Buckminster event is a big success. A bit too far from north of the border! Iā€™m
  4. Richard, If you do a Bf110 kit again, please count me in.
  5. Videos of FW190 First Flight - click on the U-Tube link. https://youtu.be/Pllhl1u5p_8 https://youtu.be/f69Hrwe6g4o https://youtu.be/7YzbXcEh--g
  6. Well, finally the weather in Ayrshire was kinder, with only a light wind, and it was time at last to have the FW190 first flight!! Despite all the good things written about the docile handling of the model by the forum members, I was too nervous to take charge of the first flight. A talented pilot and fellow club member, Ewan Reeves, very kindly took the controls. The hand launch was so easy and the FW190 flew away very smoothly. We were amazed that no trim at all was required and just how smooth and stable the aircraft was in flight. It flies like it is on rails! Ewan tried a stall test with showed a classic behaviour of a nose drop on full up elevator with no tendency for a wing drop. The landing was easy as well even if the slight breeze dictated a downhill landing as our strip is on a slope. Ewan thought it was by far the best warbird he has ever flown and the other club members present were equally impressed. Then it was my turn at the controls for a flight which really exceeded my expectations. So easy to fly, manoeuvrable and able to fly big scale display turns. I am really looking forward to expanding its flight envelope within my capabilities. Richard, congratulations for delivering a fantastic model. It meets every requirement set out in the thread. Just brilliant!! I will try to post a video or two although I don't have Ron's great editing skills šŸ˜€
  7. Thanks gents for the positive comments. I have not fitted the retracts yet and will fly first without them. Still waiting for my ESC to be returned.
  8. I have finally finished the painting of the FW190. I used Mission Models paints, sprayed on with a small airbrush. I must admit that covering and painting is not my best skill. I have fitted the servos and the control linkages and installed the receiver. I am waiting on a 60ESC to be returned from Overlander. When setting it up with the 4-Max motor, the motor would not run but jittered no matter the timing or soft start setting. I eventually decided by elimination that the problem was in the ESC as it would not work with another motor either. When it is back, the model will be ready for first flight. Hope the weather keeps fine.
  9. Well done Richard. Both models look great and to hear they have excellent flight characteristics is good news. I have my retracts now for the FW190 but I will fly it without them to begin with (soon I hope).
  10. Hi Richard, Please put me on the list for the retracts mod kit. I think I will fly without the retracts initially and then do the mod. Gordon
  11. I eventually removed the bubbled covering on one wing and replaced it. What seems to work is using Balsaloc on the wing skin veneer prior to applying the PVA coated, brown paper. I am also convinced that the Gorilla PVA is not the best for this job and next time I will buy some cheaper PVA from the builders merchants. I have got to the painting stage now and will final fit the flying control surfaces prior to the finishing paint coat. I have used Halfords white primer on the lower surfaces and grey primer on the upper surfaces.
  12. My vote, if I am allowed one, šŸ˜€ would be for a Sea Fury. P47 would be second. Bearcat would be nice but listening to the comments on the twist and turn retracts, maybe not. Getting back to working on the FW190 this week.
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