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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. Thank you Christopher.
  2. Hi, I'm planning on building a Vic Smeed 26" Tom Thumb ll plane. Is there on the market a replacement covering material to litespan available to purchase. Jonathan
  3. Thank you Peter, I joined on my own, and not a member of any club yet. Cheers
  4. Morning, I became a member of the BMF for the first time back in June of this year, will I automatically be contacted to renew my membership end of this month or do I have to make the contract. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thank you Jason for straight forward reply most appreciated
  6. Hi what size/length rubber band's for my junior 60, I haven't finished the building yet, but looking at the positioning of the dowels in the fuselage I'm thinking there going to be quite long.
  7. It a diamond demon 48" wingspan and gentle flying pootling about the sky, I have set the timer for 4 minutes and usually have about 40% left.
  8. At present I'm relying on setting the timer on my transmitter. So with this new voltage alarm I have now I was not sure on what I should set the low voltage at. So from putting the battery in the plane with 99% full charge what low volatage should I set the alarm at so as not to damage the pack? Battery 2s 7.4v 1500mAh
  9. Thank you Chris, most appreciated.
  10. Evening one and all, I've just purchased a lipo voltage alarm gadget, could I please ask advice on what I should set it at for a- 2s 7.4v 1500mAh lipo battery Apologise if this is a numpty question, I'm a numpty.
  11. Name Guy Gibbson's famous dog if you dare.
  12. Welcome aboard, loads of Information and knowledge on here and friendly chat. Excellent choice the Junior 60, it's the same for me returning to the hobby after a long break, I've started building the Junior 60, lovely plane.
  13. Hi sounds like a nice collection, I will be going to the LMA on the Saturday, would be interested in purchasing the Electric high wing trainer similar to the Apprentice, any chance of a photo please. Kind regards Jonathan
  14. Welcome aboard Brian, a lot of knowledge here and people willing to share it, any questions ask away.
  15. Yep I think I'm going to leave as is and be content with flying on calm days ony, next year I will be hopefully flying my junior 60 which might cope with the flying conditions at the field a bit better. Thank you for the responses most appreciated.
  16. Thank you Shaun, the fuselage design is triangular so a bit limited, if I was to try another battery 3s would you be able to suggest mAh and voltage please.
  17. Hi , I was wondering if it's at all possible to increase the power of my motor set up that I have for my BB diamond demon 48" . The set up I have at present is Overlander Tornado Thumper v3 28/26 18 1000kv motor Overlander xp2 20a esc Overlander 2s 7.4v 1300mAh battery pack. Propeller 9"x4.5 The reason I ask is I feel it's a bit under powered for where I fly, it always seems to be a bit too windy for my 1.5lb plane , it struggles on hand lauch take off and doesn't make much advance into wind when it's up there. Or should I just leave as is and only fly on very calm evenings. Best Regards Jonathan
  18. Jonathan


    Would a Reflex be compatible with my basic Spektrum DXS transmitter and AR410 receiver. My rudder is a bit of a barn door Elevator only on one side of tailplane
  19. Jonathan


    I was flying on Monday evening on the common and it was a bit windy and always tends to be there for my lightweight diamond demon 48" it was buffeting all over the place, a chap turned up with a small foam ready built and he had a very stable flight, that's when I learnt about gyros, had a look on line and the Reflex gyro keeps coming up. My flying style is none acrobatic just circles and figure of 8 , don't laugh 😒 Are they helpful.
  20. Sorry should have said what's left of a steam powered plane 😉
  21. Got this out of my mum's loft today, a steam powered plane me and my dear departed dad made in the 80’s. It was a design by David Parker from the 50's which was a featured article in a areomodeler magazine in the 80’s, I can't remember which magazine, my dad made the engine and boiler, I was tasked with making the airframe, unfortunately it was pre smart phones with cameras so I have no photographic record of it , there was 1 photo of it finished but can't find it. The airframe was based on a glider design around 80" wing span with a high topped tailplane. A mate of my Dad's former signaller in the army gave us a duralumin cast radio transport case, I was at uni and had access to the colleges small foundery so sledge hammer in hand I tried to break it up for the crucible, it bounced all round place, so gas axe it was. I managed to cast 2 cylindrical billets out of it. A couple of weekends later when I had a full washing basket I went home with them for my dad to start the machining, his mate was there and I told him about the sledge hammer, his said you paper hat they where designed to be thrown out the back of a Heracles hahah. I built the plane during the winter evenings, a nice break from studying, a friend came round one night to see me , she said 'that's a nice toy' 😄 never mind. My dad took 3 months to make the engine and boiler which along with the burner was made out of stainless steel. After many practice sessions in the workshop filling and lighting it up the field beckoned Maiden flight, me holding the plane and my dad lighting the methylated spirit filled burner and guess what whoof the doped tissue covering caught fire, couldn't drop it on the floor and stamp on it haha, fortunately we had a container of water for topping up the boiler and dad was quick enough to soak me and the plane, luckily only the fuselage needed recovering 😀. Week later it flew, the boiler held around 1/2 pint of water which gave about 6 minute powered flight time, we used a 10" propeller. Hence glider deign loads of height once steam gone nice slow thermal Gliding. It still turns over so I might have ago at steaming it up again.
  22. How do, I have recently purchased the electrical components for my next build junior 60, I plan on building during the winter months ready for spring next year. Will the Overlander lipo battery pack be ok dormant for about 6 months, it came with 50% charge, During the dormant period should I do a charge - discharge cycle periodically?. I realise now l possibly should have held off purchasing the battery.
  23. If using the doculam laminating film which one gloss or matt finish would be best.
  24. Congratulations J D 8 good choice by the other moderators.
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