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David Holland 2

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Everything posted by David Holland 2

  1. Cheers Piers (!!), now you mention it, I do remember seeing a thread on the forum a week or so back. The Sabre would do nicely and I'm not averse to a bit of building. I thought I might have a mooch around the trade stands at the NATs and if there is nothing there the TN Sabre is the way to go. Still fancy a Hunter so might have a go at an own design when I see how Tony does it. Thanks. David
  2. Morning gents, I had the misfortune to black bag my Lander Panther on Tuesday. Flew through the sun and........Can't find anyone who stocks the airframes so am looking for something suitable for a 68mm fan. Have looked on Aerofred and Outerzone for plans but drawn a blank. Fancy a Hunter, F86, Gnat, Hawk or suchlike. Thought about the West Wings Hunter and scaling it up or even going own design from a three view. I am but an averagely competent pilot so nothing too scary, any thoughts? Thanks, David
  3. Who are you calling a pro leccy drip??????😜
  4. Another convert to HK film, just received a 10m roll of white from RCLife (who I believe are the latest incarnation of Giant Cod/Shark). £19.99 plus p&p, ordered evening 19th, received early morning 21st. Can't grumble at that. David
  5. I am so tempted by an X10. I am currently using a Spektrum DX8, the original one, and it has been 100% rock solid but I am running out of model memories. I have more models than is even remotely sensible but....... and I am using DSM2 and DSMX rx's. I think I've read somewhere that it is possible to use a Spektrum compatible module with FrSky tx's and, if that is correct, what and where from should i be looking? I am quite happy to use FrSky rx"s in future (though I really like Lemon rx"s) but don't want to change the 20+ that I'm using now. Anyone more tech savvy than I able to point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance, David.
  6. Has anyone received the July mag yet? The review says on sale 8th June and I usually get mine a couple of days before, but no sign yet. David
  7. Just had dinner on the patio with beautiful daughter, gorgeous grandaughter and son-in-law and been treated to a 20 minute display by a Spit T9, Hurricane 1 and 109 Buchon. The Spit and the Messerschmitt are based at Sywell, just down the road so we see them very regularly but the three together against a clear blue sky was something else again. David   Edited By David Holland 2 on 11/06/2018 21:25:08
  8. I can't help it, I've been biting my tongue for about 3 hours now after reading Mr Brotherton's post. You mean Lewis is going to demand that Valt is ordered aside like Merc did with Rosberg? " the schumachers and Sienna's would not need to".....selective amnesia? If you need a German, well Austrian, driver to revere you could do much worse than Nicki Lauda certainly not one who never had a team mate who was allowed to race him. I'm with you on Stirling, Jackie and Nigel but you omitted the best there has ever been, Jimmy Clark. Rant over, goodnight and enjoy fp3, quali and the race. David, donning tin hat and ducking below the parapet.
  9. Following Percy’s post, I have a Seat Leon “Sports Tourer” and it is a cracking car, everything said about the Skoda applies but perhaps a bit more involving to drive. Bags of room for models and the rear seats fold really easily. Had mine 3 years now and can’t see me changing any time soon. David
  10. Amazing, Tony. Please don't keep us waiting too long for more. David
  11. Saw the film a couple of weeks ago with the present Mrs H and we thought it excellent. Churchill had his flaws, his treatment of Bomber Command after the war was disgraceful, but the World may well be a lot darker place today had it not been for him. David
  12. Don, in the interests of clarity, which bits of the buxom nurse will be holding Bob's head straight? David
  13. This sound like a good read and I'm about to order it. While l'm at it I have been meaning for years to read some Antione de Saint-Exupery. If know of "the Little Prince" and wonder if that is the one to look for or if there are others that I should try. I have no idea if he will be easily available or whether specialist book shops are the way to go, but if I know what to Google that will be a start. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. David
  14. Isn't it lovely to see a 100% positive feedback for a company who obviously make a great effort to go the extra mile? I bought some stuff at the Nats and the lady the served me was absolutely delightful. I found the Solite I bought to be such good stuff that I phoned to order more for the next project and the service, price and delivery were everything you could ask for. Big thanks, David
  15. And they give a great service. David
  16. Bet that hasn't got much compression!! (sorry)
  17. P.S. Off topic a bit, but do you think if we shouted loud enough and long enough at Richard (Warbird Replicas) he would come up with a Mosquito to wup ME110 that he had the audacity to produce???
  18. I'm completely with everyone who worships at the shrine of de Havilland . Did they ever create an unattractive aeroplane? Moths, Mosquito, Comet... I have just finished (well, a couple of months back) a Dumas Dragon Rapide, surely the prettiest, most elegant aeroplane ever ( except a Mk1X Spitfire, of course). Bye the bye, inspite of the sharply tapered wings it has impeccable manners near the stall, probably down to the cleverly incorporated washout. I'm sitting next to cymaz (that was a near one, the spell checker tried to turn you into a cymbal) with tea and gingernuts at the ready. David
  19. Just a word of caution, the sliding part of the "oleo" will extend a fair way inside the fixed part of the leg. It might be wise to ensure that there is sufficient room to cut and retap the grub screw holes without fouling the sliding part at full compression. Hope that makes sense. David
  20. Morning gents, just got back from the weekly shop and Morrisons (other supermarket chains are available!!) had a small HD video camera on offer. 30 English Pounds buys you a 60x40x25 camera that shoots HD vid in several formats with slo mo, time lapse, etc., stills up to 16mp with interval options etc., wifi to Smartphones, iPads etc., 3 hr battery life. 8 gig mini sd card, waterproof case, couple of mounts, straps and usb charge/data lead included. It has a 40x30 lcd screen and weighs 57g. Seems pretty decent quality and I have to say I'm impressed for 30 quid. Obviously haven't had chance to stick it on an aeroplane and try it yet but will report back when I have. I don't suppose it will be available for long but I would say it's worth a punt David Edited By David Holland 2 on 30/11/2017 12:27:18
  21. Jeez, this is getting tedious. We have gone from an innocuous and very welcome comment that the venue for the 2018 Nats is confirmed at Barkston Heath, and that us old folks will only need to pay £34 for very comprehensive insurance, a national centre, the Nats, representation, etc, etc. to a discussion as to whether 366 is more or less than 1%, should we look 25K sponsorship in the mouth, the inequities of the treatment of country members, and, heaven forbid, how many officials it takes to man a stand. My perseverance is wearing thin (!). I do not claim these to be facts but we NEED the BMFA, the National Centre is here, get over it, no organisation is perfect but a lot of people work their socks off for our benefit and get little but carping for their efforts. Please let's have some perspective, it's playing with toy aeroplanes that we are talking about. David
  22. Interesting connection, Tony. Not much in the book about the inter-war years but lots of detail on people involved in the development of the techniques of interpretation. Obvious with the benefit of hindsight but the three stages of analysis of each photo were crucial in extracting some really remarkable information from photos, completely divorced from the subject of the original request for the photo. I bought my copy from Waterstones (other High Street book retailers are available!!). David
  23. Just finished reading “Spies in the Sky” by Taylor Downing, about photo-reconnaissance, mainly WW2, but from day one to date. I have been passionate about aviation in the Second World War, the Battle of Britain and the Spitfire (in ascending order) forever, in fact I think my first word was “Spitfire”, but I knew little detail of the work of the PRU. We hear a lot about Bletchley Park (rightly so) but I had never heard of RAF Medmenham though it seems that 80% of intelligence during the war came from photo-reconnaissance and the story of the interpretation of the photos is no less fascinating than that of the pilots taking them. You would not regret reading it. David
  24. Ooops, I meant Pinot, of course. Typing finger is always the first to go after the second glass.
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