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Thoughts needed on converting a B & Decker workbox safely for the field

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Just purchased a B & Decker wheeled work box for conversion for the field.

It has a top and bottom part that detach with the bottom for storage and the top a tool box with a revolving parts tray ( cool ). I have a few points I am pondering over.

Fuel and battery and fuel pump in the bottom - is this a disaster waiting to happen or are there ways to do this safely.

Does latest rechargeable glow starters mean a power panel is old hat. Will be flying 2 and 4 stroke. I have a Align starter so that will not need external power.

Reasoning was bottom part to start aircraft and top for all the field tools so do not have to drag it all to the plane.

Any thoughts, experiences, photos off your box welcomed. Want it to be safe and easy to use but not a way to blow myself and the field up.

thanks in advance

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Just a couple of thoughts in line with what you are thinking.

Fuel an pump at the bottom make sense, in the event of any leaks fuel wont spill down over other contents of the box.

Also battery and fuel (generally heavy items) if positioning down low will help to keep the C of G low and make it stable when pulling and stood still.

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one try to have fuel can away from battery

ie battery inside and can on outside of trolley and have one connector easy to pull off if shorted

i all ways used a 2volt lead battery with leads for glow plug just because they are so good and don't go flat like a stick jobbie can

keep it minimal

you dont need the whole work shop with you

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I did exactly what you're suggesting, though I don't think my roll-along is B&D. I used plywood partitions to divide my bottom part into three, with 7Ah gel battery at the left, fuel bottle at the right, and general storage (starter motor, glow connector, cleaning rags etc.) in the middle. I also installed a plywood panel near the top of the front of the bottom part, into which I set my power panel and electric fuel pump. The panel was accessible when the bottom was partly opened, and was held in that position by the starter motor's banana plugs plugged into the panel.

Sorry I can't show you a picture, because I'm all electric now. The bottom part now contains an 86Ah leisure battery for field-charging. Normally I have enough batteries charged before I go, so I only take the top half, containing trannie, tools, spare props, and all sorts of things that "might come in handy".

Edited By Allan Bennett on 29/04/2014 20:00:10

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Hi Do drill a couple of large holes in the bottom of the fuel section so that fuel vapour can drain away , avoiding a bang or a fire . Another thought , I hope you site isnt too soft as a few members of our club have used these boxes and find that in winter the wheels sink making it hard to pull along . The main trolley used now in our club is a fishing type with big wheels that dont sink and are easily removable for stowing in the car.


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