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Flying Field Refurbishment.

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Hi Mike. Ref My Grass Machine - pictured above idea...

I have to say thinking I thought of those exact questions when I contemplated it's design and as you are a retired design engineer I knew you would reply in such a manner so an explanation of the design attributes are listed below for your interest...

As most club members are getting on a bit the design needed to felicitate being able to "get your leg over easily" and also the machine needed to be as light as possible - The use of a ladies bike frame solved those problem on both counts. smiley

The ladies frame also enables members to make a quick & fast disembarkation from the machine to "spend a penny" thus improving the chance for members to make straight line grass cuts during this time of healthy exercise.

And as for the lack of a grass box - better to let the grass "seed".

Just like the good old days... wink 2

Never say the BPMFC miss anything for their male, female & younger members good constitution & well being.

By publishing this picture here I am sure there will be a Chinese copy (with gearing) in no time...devil

Best Regards Peter

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Posted by Dave Hopkin on 05/05/2015 11:35:17:
Posted by Martin Harris on 05/05/2015 11:12:49:
Posted by cymaz on 26/04/2015 19:04:23:

It's like Lords Cricket Ground !

Why? Does it have a significant slope?

Asking questions like that dropped Jeremy Clarkson in hot water again.........

I was looking at the quality and cut of the grass, not wether there were any Vietnamise on the patchsurprise

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Martin's comment about the Lord's slope was obviously lost on non-cricketers!

I still have my Stuart Surridge 5 star bat I bought about 53 years ago. My twin brother Pete borrowed it after one week and scored a century with it and handed it back with significant edge damage. I don't think he played at Lords but he certainly did at the Oval as did older brother Ron.

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