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Martin Harris - Moderator

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Everything posted by Martin Harris - Moderator

  1. Let's not, please! I think most forum members have realised that some members have strong views on this subject which are unlikely to be changed by further discussion on the forum.
  2. Apparently, the difference is defined by the seed type - angiosperm for hardwoods (flowering and broad leafed) and gymnosperm (such as pine cones) for softwoods. These are essentially enclosed or external seeds. There are also normally differences in stem fibres which transport nutrients from the roots.
  3. I think you'll find that these materials are made by expanding beads in a foaming process e.g. EPP (Expanded Polypropylene), expanded polystyrene such as Styrofoam, Depron etc. hence their general description as foams. I think perhaps it would be better to regard your cleaning equipment as a sponge...or maybe even better as a foam sponge as the artificial versions are made by a foaming process.
  4. Welcome to the forum. You might want to have a look at the recent thread below - it seems unlikely that you would get a fuselage plan but there's a wealth of information and experience there. One thing that I should perhaps clarify - your post suggests that you might be a beginner yourself. While not impossible, self teaching is fraught with difficulties and most people will recommend that you join a local club. There are also some simple steps that you need to take to fly legally and insurance is highly recommended.
  5. I've used both in the past but I've more or less standardised on the module based version. Glow sticks never seemed to hold their charge reliably although I did quite like Cyclon lead acid cells but their service life wasn't as good as expected.
  6. I'd agree that it's a little on the high side. I find a dark orange to be plenty for reliable starting. I'm not sure how much I trust the accuracy of these cheap and cheerful meters but they appear to give consistent numbers so once you're used to the results, the figures are useful for your particular set-up. It's useful to help diagnose any starting issues as a wet plug is instantly recognisable by its higher than normal current draw. P.S. You don’t get a much wetter plug than this! A test I did to duplicate someone’s claim for a very expensive commercial alternative. It was pulling just 3.33A
  7. I’ve always said that there’s some of my DNA in every model I’ve ever built.
  8. With a 2 stroke, it’s always worth checking the backplate hasn’t loosened, causing air leaks which will play havoc with consistent running - especially the plastic versions on the cheaper OS engines.
  9. Welcome to the forum Rudders. This thread might be of interest to you…
  10. Beth Ashby is still very much involved with the magazine. You could drop her a PM if you have no luck via the advertised subscription department contact details: Media Centre Morton Way Horncastle LN9 6JR Phone: 01507 529529 Email: [email protected]
  11. Is it a scale model? If so, I’d refer to original sources and try to duplicate the effects.
  12. Another report fitting the ISP pattern. While the evidence is by no means conclusive, have any of the affected users tried contacting their provider to discuss the issue?
  13. Never bothered with gaskets or gooes - I just assemble the mating faces dry and go. The exception is on threaded 4 stroke exhausts where I always apply a few drops of (air tool) oil to the threads before assembly.
  14. Can we draw a line under this and get back to discussion on topic please.
  15. In all seriousness, a fellow club member - we'll call him Dave because that's his name - was only last week telling me how his daughter was rather sheepishly explaining how she'd made a mistake when ordering a personalised gift for him and her stepmother Tracey. She'd been thinking of him as Dad when she ordered the hand made gift with the initials for Dad & Tracey incorporated and felt so stupid that she hadn't used the initial from his name...
  16. Cracking afternoon yesterday but back to normal today. I've just got to share an example of the caring and considerate nature of our club though...but before anyone passes judgement, there's a long back story, the pilot/owner was one of the most enthusiastic contributors to the video and the model flew successfully a short time later after some thrust line and elevator adjustments.
  17. Sorry - a bit too subtle/obtuse. It took me three goes to get it but funnily enough it was my first thought. Loads produced, plenty of real action in Vietnam and other theatres and as Jon hinted, two ejections for the price of one.
  18. Hi Tim. It’s awkward from a mobile device so in case that’s what you’re using, I’ve altered it for you - hope that’s ok?
  19. That was always the instruction for Laser twins so I’m sure Jon could explain the reason.
  20. My F4 Phantom guess was wrong? P.S. Mod’s hat on, the original question was fully answered long ago so as long as everyone’s happy…
  21. Mine flies a fairly heavy full span Cub with a restrictive home made 2 into 1 silencer (to get it under 82dB) with far better than scale performance. https://youtu.be/wbhUinmulbs
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