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A question for beginners

David Ashby

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So, here we go Last week David I was aloud to take off and land my Boomerang I/C for the first time ,nice calm day.Take off fine ,landing was ok but Imissed the strip Landing in the long grass on the edge both times.My instructor taught me down both times.The problem I seem to have both times was to far left.So  I was able to bring the model round reducing power and levelling the wings  on approach.But keeping the wings level, reducing power letting gravity bring the model down and measuring the distance I needed nto allow the model to travel were enough.When my instuctor was calling for me to bring it right there was no more brain left.In fact I was quite surprised tha I landed in the long grass the 2nd time I thought Iwas on the strip.
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For safety Part 2.He accused me of not listening to him but I was it was just that to much else was going on at the time.In fact when I went to retrievt the model he turned to the other members and said ,Imight as well tell him to turn left because he isnt turning right.IHis comment amused me.I then chatted to the club chairman and explained how my arrivals had ended.He explained that everyone does the same ,he then showed me a different place to stand next tim that should help me.I have also found that doing right cicuits is more difficult than left but if you bring it round in a half circle instead of 2 right turns its easier.So plenty to practise when the wind calms down again. I think Thursday is promising.IM told when you can land on our strip you can land anywhere
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Hi Timbo when I was trying to post Phots using Photo Bucket, never got the hang of it.When I kept spelling aileron wrong,,Ihad to do 100 lines for thatIts normally when Icant figure something out andits probably so straight forward for you,but I can take it Timbo dont hold back ,you are teaching me lots its just that Phil is better than you

Edited By Timbo - Moderator on 19/05/2009 23:39:30

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A club member recently wrote off an electric Lancaster.An experienced club member flew it first and declared it fine.So the owner took off a bit later on .He was caught out by the side thrust and couldnt get control.Ever transmission just to late.I think experienced modellers are often in autopilot so when  the experienced guy flew it he automatically gave it right rudder to counteract the side thrust without thinking hence why he declared the model fine,any thoughts
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An update on my taking off David.2 succesful but jittery last week,landings not to bad." Saturday ,changed my transmitter so that Rudder and Ailerons work together.For some reason this I find betterEven though my right hand is steering now on the ground as well as in the air and operating the elevator as well. Took off twice Sat and 3 times Sun and all take offs and landings fine,more practise after work
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Another trip to the flying field and its all beginning to click into place.Im not now intimidated by starting an I/C,for the first time I carried model and transmitter to the take off area and  2  very good take offs.Everything is beginning to slow down for me so im controlling the model instead of trying to keep up.Another thing I realise is very important is every time check that the under carriage is pointing straight.It seems even a gentle landing can slightly bend it,so ensuring the undercarriage is straight means there is less to do on the next take offBoth landings were successfull and gentle the 2nd landing I had to give power and the direction changed so I went round again
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An interesting observation.A recently new club member has progressed disgustinly and unfairly quickly.In no time he has passedhis A.His take offs brilliant and his landings on the strip and accepable but not often to him.Having passed his A aweek or so ago we both arrived at the strip on Sunday first.We are not allowed to fly until 10 am.We are both ready to fly,but I cant until an instructor is available.After his 3rd flight I noticed he was struggling with both landind and taking off.I also noticed that mine were improving every time.At the end of the day I was preening my feathers with chest puffed out and he was still having lessons from our instructor to make a decent landing to get his confidence back.This scenario helped my confidence no end because I waswatching this guy who came on leaps and bounds right through his a finally having the same problems id been having for ages.Watching my instructor teach him helped me as much because I wasnt having to do anything ,so I felt Iwas taking as much in watching as doing
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Iwatched a 30 years flyer yesterday.A hairy take off followed by various acrobatic manouvres all carried out perfectlt On coming into land he was all over the place adifferent flyer.Someone else landed for him.There s a lot goes throgh peoples brains ,when there model nears the ground.I felt that some pschoanalysis  was called for and discussed ir with my instructor .His response " I know his problem .,he cant land," so there we have it from the club expert
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  • 4 weeks later...
I've tried three times to get this thread onto the forum;once with "All things flying" then Beginners section all to no avail;  when I "add posting" ,the contents of the thread  disappear.  
 I'll try this thread.    I've bought a used Electric trainer which has a Spectrum AR6200 receiver installed by the previous owner.  I have also bought a (new) Spectrum DX6i transmitter.  Do I have to do anything with the original receiver before I programme the two together ?   Thanks Eric.
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Thanks Timbo.  You are a great help. Because of the problems ( why were there problems ?) I experienced in trying to put the thread onto "Beginners" I've been reading this topic's threads and especiely Stephen's threads.  I, too am of a good age 78yrs and often think have I left it to late to learn; especially when I have " thumb shake and a dry mouth"   Not every time though!  I've even progressed to doing "figure of eights" !   Thanks Eric.
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hello eric-78 year's-well done-forget about left it to late-remember the old saying it's never to late--if you can do figure of 8's you'll do for me-we have several member's who are 80+........one of them used to chop stick's for the montgolfier brother's...i take my hat off to you's................
           ken anderson....................member of the E.loakes fan club...
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A little late, but my 2p worth:
1) a guide to abreviations - excellant and useful
2) a guide to 'types' of flying - pylon racing, slope soaring, powered etc
3) guidance on kit, especially radio gear as there is so much to choose from.
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So I have come on this thread as asked to introduce myself. I am retired so I can fly when the weather permits. I fly with a few other retired guys and some youngsters that work shifts at a field where we can.
My avitar was taken in the mid 1960s, so I am not new to the hobby. It was only that four years ago I saw the electric powered models that got me interested and returned again.
Visiting my LHS I was wrongly advised to buy a Firebird Freedom. Arrrg, and I thought it was me that could not fly.  Since then I have got two Superflys. I bought the second one as I thought that I would have another when I killed the first. But you cannot kill them, and I have tried unintentionaly a few times. So the No:2 is hanging on the wall. I have two Easystars which are brushless and I use one for my AP. and the other is a 'Big Wing' EZ* with Easyglider wings.
I also fly an Art-tech Wing dragon sporter that I was not happy with the performance. So that was also converted to brushless and 2.4 meg. I am at the present time building another from 'spare parts' that I am buying from different dealers. This will also be brushless. Other models are a Mega flea, TM400, Slowstick, That have servived and still are airworthy.
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