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Simon's Skywriter Build

Simon Feather

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Here is my placeholder blog - I've not started, I have a KF3 build in progress to complete first (blog to follow at some point) - but I have bought the Skywriter plan and here are some taster pictures.

Here's the shed with the KF3 tailplane on the board:


And here is the gorgeous hunk of metal I hope to bolt to the front - a brand new OS52 Surpass...


Offering it up to the plan suggests some modifications are going to be needed in the nose area, I'll have a think about that when I make a start properly:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Simon

Will follow your build with interest as I also intend to use a 4 stroke. I have my plan and wood packs (thanks to Mrs Low Pass).

My engine choice will depend on funds and and/or availability. I have an elderly OS48 Surpass hiding in an old Ripmax Tiger Moth in the loft but I think that Skywrtiter would be better with more power. I have 2 OS52s, one in my Ballerina and one in a Pupetteer. Thinking perhaps an ASP61 or preferably an OS62V (pennies permitting). Have not got going yet so will look at things in the New Year.

Would love to find a good second-hand OS52 but they are less common now.

Best regards


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Hi Peter, I was lucky enough recently to acquire a BNIB OS 52 Surpass, as yet unrun (picture as above), as you say these are rare now. I'm not yet sure exactly when I'll start as I'm partway through a Kwik Fly 3 (100% scale) build, and I go back to work next week... but hopefully soon. I like the idea of Lucas' laminations, so will probably adopt that but as for the rest, I have still to study the plan in detail. I intend to cut all the parts myself... looking forward to the formers, all those crinkly bits around the edges

all the best


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  • 1 month later...

Thought I'd just post on here to say I've not forgotten this build; just not been able to start yet due to lack of time and wanting to finish off my current KF3 50th anniversary build first. I did decide to review my original plan to cut the parts myself though, as it became clear time was going to be an issue if I was to have a Skywriter ready for a possible Greenacres meetup. So the other day I gave in and ordered the CNC pack, which arrived very quickly. Hopefully will be able to start in a couple of weeks' time.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Pete - yes, I'm still planning to use the OS52. I've now made a start - pictures soon - and I've had the engine up against the plan to start thinking about the mods necessary. I've decided what I'm going to do I think, but I'll certainly have a look at yours.

I've had a couple of days off though not done as much building as I'd hoped as this morning was relatively calm so took the opportunity to go flying and maiden the KF3.

So far with the Skywriter I've done the tail surfaces and added the doublers to the fuz sides. I really want to make the cowl removable though for maintenance, so don't want to get too far with the fuz until I've decided how I'm going to do that.



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  • 1 month later...

Still progressing slowly but steadily; usual complaint, too many distractions to get on quickly. I've nearly completed the fuselage now, may make a start on sorting the cowl area out tonight depending on what time the children go to bed. I've not taken many (any) pictures so far, since there isn't really anything different to show that others haven't already shown. I've strengthened the u/c mount area up somewhat Getting there....


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  • 2 months later...

Well, after many distractions and a major loss of mojo, I've been back on the Skywriter build a bit more over the last week or so. It's almost ready for covering now and then just the internals to fix - here are some pictures to show you where I'm at.

I've only completed rough sanding so far, there is more shaping to do around the front and I've not yet shaped the leading edge of the top wing.

I still have to make the ailerons and the interplane struts.

The interplane strut fixings I've made out of fibreglass, epoxied into place and with some reinforcements, as the originals seemed a little weak to me.

The cowl is removable, as I don't like building engines into a model so there is no future access.

Just behind the cowl is a removable top hatch for access to the tank and flight battery.

I'm not a heavy builder, but this model seems to have come out a little more "solid" than I'd ideally like - I'm starting to wonder whether the new OS52FS I plan to install will be beefy enough - anyone had any success yet with IC power plants on this model? I have an SC70FS I could use instead though I suspect the new OS may be almost as good as the slightly elderly SC that I have.

Here are the pics so far:





(that's a temporary axle, by the way, just for the picture!)

Instrument panel:



more later...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well.... it's finished!

well... almost. I have a few finishing off jobs to do, but thought I'd include some pictures and maiden it before doing them.

I had hoped to maiden the Skywriter yesterday, it was fairly perfect but unfortunately the engine misbehaved because the throttle arm linkage screw came loose from the carb barrel, so it was pretty much doing what it felt like rather than what I told it. Unfortunately not a quick field fix as it meant a cowl off job, then the cowl retaining lugs turned out to be right in front of the throttle arm screw, so engine had to be loosened simply to nip up one screw... hey ho, that's the way it goes.

Then I hoped to maiden it today; a little blustery but that's fine.... just finished getting the engine all set up properly this time and ticking over beautifully... and it started raining. I did a quick taxi trial, seems to have plenty of omph on this new OS52 Surpass, ground handling is very precise... maybe tomorrow I'll find out what it's like in the air!

You'll see I've adopted a typical Nimrod scheme: still to do is to pick out the border of the yellow fuse flash with a thin black line; add a windshield; and add the top wing yellow lozenges.

Covering is Hobbyking film in solid silver - works really well - with yellow Solarfilm on the tail and vinyl for the markings and flash. I live in Yorkshire, hence the tail....

The cockpit coaming is some PVC mains cable outer sheath, split lengthways and fixed with canopy glue.

The exhaust stubs are short lengths of carbon tube glued into a balsa frame.

I'm not a particularly heavy builder, but I was a little surprised how heavy this model has come out at a little over 5 1/4 lbs auw, I guess that's the solid construction of the design, plus I recycled a rather heavy duty u/c left over from a demised ARTF, which didn't help. And then I still had to add 4oz to the nose to balance it. Pah.

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Maiden now complete!

I didn't perhaps choose the best day, today is a bit breezy (Mr. Met Office said 14mph gusting to 25ish, and it felt like it), but the model was ready to go and who was I to stop her...

What a little cracker! I need not have worried about the power - the OS52 Surpass has loads, comments from clubmates along the lines of "that's a bit wick!". Needed a fair bit of down trim, so I think I need to play with the downthrust and/or a bit more weight in the front, and it was a bit twitchy on the ailerons, think I can reduce the throws even more (only got a few mm on, and it's plenty). Slowed down for a puttering low flypast at about 1/4 throttle, still happily making headway against the wind, and at that speed it really looked the part.

Nice one Mr. Todd, this one's quickly become one of my favourites

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Morning Simon

That’s an excellent job you’ve made of the Skywriter ~ really looks the part.

Can I ask a couple of questions regarding your conversion to IC?

First, did you keep the engine’s centreline as per the plans electric setup and secondly what size tank did you use? I ask as when the plan first came I thought I would like to build that at some stage in the future but with an IC and I now have a FS52 sitting around doing nothing. But, placing the engine on the centreline and using a yellow Slec tank, the tank has to be placed somewhat lower than idea due to the fuselage cabane strut mountings. Did this cause any issues?



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Hi Simon.

Excellent job and she looks great. Mine is miles away yet but will get there someday. Thought the 52 4 stroke would be ok. Mine will be powered by an OS62 which is slightly more powerful. I am running it in, in my old faithful Limbo dancer and it looks to be a good performer.

Love the colour scheme by the way, great choice methinks. How does she turn on ailerons, or does she need a touch of rudder?


Best Regards


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