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Lindsay Todd

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Lindsay Todd last won the day on July 10 2022

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  1. Very sad news, Peter was a true inspiration and will be sadly missed by all. Lindsay
  2. I delayed posting as it is like losing friends. My association with Webbie.s has been on many levels not just as a customer but supporter, reporter, and contributor almost since they first opened in 'the small shop with the stock'. Working in Frodsham myself many a lunch break could see me walking the five minutes to pick up bits and pieces and a friendly chat with the crew. I know this will have been a most difficult decision and wish AL, Steve, Aidy and all the team my very best wishes and thanks for there fabulous effort and contribution to our hobby over the years which has so often gone over and above the norm. They should all be very proud and will remain life long friends. Linds
  3. Since the first flight i did need to resolve one major issue and that was ground handling, it was none existent and way beyond acceptable. The answer was a complete revised design for the two front axles as did not want to loose the look. This took time to figure out although the end result is pretty basic, sometimes the brain cells just don't align. Eventually I realized I needed a steering set up so two center pivot points and a servo connection was required. The end result is two aluminium folded strips drilled to take 4mm wire axles, a link bar on one side and direct servo linkage on the other via a ball link. A bit of fiddling to mix a 5th channel to the V tail rudder channel and we have a result. Ok, no suspension and direct link may risk the servo gearing without a servo saver head which I will fit if the loads seem high. Time for some taxi trials and more flights. Linds
  4. Very much hope to get there this year as has been a while Linds
  5. Yes contact Manx Model Flyers, there are some great sites all around IOM, I have been going over every year bar covid foe the last 30 years nearly, over this year for 2 weeks soon, one of my favourite spots for slope soaring is The Stacks between Port Erin and Dalby on the west coast and has a lay-by quite close. The club used to meet on Wednesday Nights at the Craig Ny Baa pub on the TT Course just north of Douglas. my ASW28 out over the Irish see at the stacks Linds
  6. The model is a Micro Made Models Olympian 40, nothing to do with Dave Smith Models, that is just a sticker that has been put on. Very similar I believe to the Irvine Tutor 40 for which you might find more details a little easier but the airframe looks to be in fair condition. What are your issues?
  7. What rate of roll would you say you have? At full deflection you should be getting a very rapid (Blurr) rate of roll, if too slow though it will show up every little error in your inputs. Linds
  8. I Have the latest version, actually a review with the Ed but it is a very neutral airframe and have had none of the issues you describe so it does sound like something is amiss. I would suggest revisit the basics as something simple can be overlooked so easily. Also just be sure you are not inadvertently adding some rudder or elevator when your roll one way or the other, very easy to do with a sensitive airframe. Also just make sure the motor is secure and you don't have a subtle amount of offset thrust coming into play. As Brian says you get the best out of an airframe when it is correctly trimmed but I am surprised by the issues you have had. Which version did you get, was it the Pro RR ? Linds
  9. Not the best image as it had some rubbish behind which had to be edited out but finally got airborne having waited since last November, a couple of trims and a bit more exponential on aileron but not to bad a test flight. Need a better day, brighter sky and can get some proper pics done. Linds
  10. Thanks for the insight guys as I said not to familiar with RCV so always good to get direct feedback. I will bench run before I use on the model anyway just to check set up etc but sounds like all should be ok. Its not exactly my first model of this type so very familiar with radial cowls and cooling issues etc. Hopefully we'll get a dummy engine in place to assist and possibly help with balance as obviously most of the radio and electrics are all shoved up the front end, bit of a squeeze at this scale, so much easier on a 1/4 or 1/3rd scale job! I do intend to complete as BEB intended, a good friend, colleague and much missed. Linds
  11. Hi Jon, BEB went for the RCV 58CD, not an engine i am particularly familiar with but from memory tended to have capability to throw a larger than average prop and good torque curve through lower rpm range. All part of the rotary valve arrangement. Any info always useful. Linds
  12. My only reason for bumping this blog from BEB is that following his passing I acquired the model and has sat boxed in the workshop awaiting an opportunity to complete. Now in fairness I was not even aware of this blog and only came across it whilst seeking some information about the model on line. It seems that some bits have gone astray but nothing too serious all the major components are still there and included the RCV four stroke motor that Dave had selected. Now as a friend, colleague and fellow club member I will endeavor to get the model completed and flown in the near future to complete the blog in tribute. Linds
  13. Very neat build Stephen, glad to see you back at it, jeep up those quirky designs:) Linds
  14. Yes there was a smaller version as I had one, I think around 52 or 54 inch span, i had an Enya 46 4stroke in it and painted up in the colour scheme of Kermit Weeks 'Weeks Solution' (see pic of full size) flew very well and a friend at our club had the bigger 72 inch version with i think a ST2000 in it, again flew very well.
  15. I have a DLE20 RA rear exhaust in the cupboard all ready, just need to find time and space. I was actually thinking of another Pitts at the time but the slightly longer fuselage of the Skybolt should make the flight characteristics slightly less 'skittish' whilst still being very capable of all the gyroscopic manoeuvres, that's the theory anyway. I was thinking of a repaint in the Toyota livery of Brian Lecomber's Piitts S1-T from the late 80's/ early 90's just for sentimental reasons but I actually really like the black and gold once I opened the box so that will have to wait for another time. Linds
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