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I've used Tamiya smoke canopy paint recently. Cleaned the inside surface thoroughly and just added the number of light coats needed to give the degree of darkness required - very good result.

Just as good with solid colours I  should think.  

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Choice will depend on whether the paint needs to be proof against glow fuel.

So called fuel resistant finishes are just that to glow fuel, even low or zero nitro......'resitant' and not proof so two pack finishes are the best. Electric and petrol are less fussy so a wider and less critical choice.

Car rattle can perhaps?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried a test with some car retouch spray on a canopy I took of a model I am refurbishing. It worked as well as anything I've tried before. It didn't leave the canopy brittle and survived the crease and thumbnail test the next day with no flaking. I sprayed the replacement one and fitted it, no problems.

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18 hours ago, Andy Stephenson said:

I tried a test with some car retouch spray on a canopy I took of a model I am refurbishing. It worked as well as anything I've tried before. It didn't leave the canopy brittle and survived the crease and thumbnail test the next day with no flaking. I sprayed the replacement one and fitted it, no problems.

Hi the denaturing doesnt affect the plastic immediately. On a Kyosho Majestic  I finished the canopy with glitter effect using automotive acrylic clearcote for adehesion. This was fine for a year or so then on a landing the wheels found a rabbit hole and it toppled over quite slowly. The canopy had broken into tiny fragments weaker than an egg shell. It also happened on a set of Flair vintage wheels that had  been painted with solarlac . 

I tinted a canopy on a Cap 21 years ago using some diluted trannslucent blue and that was still fine years later when i sold it on. 

There were  " di not paint " warnings on polycarnonate crash helmets years ago for the same reason.

Hope the canopy and paint are compatible ... time will tell.


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I suspect the particular canopy I painted was PET not polycarbonate, I assume they are not in the same group of plastics.

When I was at tech college one of my fellow students not only filled some holes in his crash helmet with car filler after it fell off his back-rack he also resprayed over it to disguise the repair.

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20 hours ago, Andy Stephenson said:

I suspect the particular canopy I painted was PET not polycarbonate, I assume they are not in the same group of plastics.

When I was at tech college one of my fellow students not only filled some holes in his crash helmet with car filler after it fell off his back-rack he also resprayed over it to disguise the repair.

Re the helmet , you couldnt make it up could you. In the Firebrigade we refered to helmets as brain buckets to keep things tidy in a bad smash ( gallows humour) poly carbonate helmets were not good. Even cleaning them with the wrong material or applying stickers could degrade the plastic. Always bought helmets with the ACU sticker usually fiber glass , heavier but more stable material.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in the day I had a Griffin Clubman motorbike helmet that was fibreglass and really weighed a ton - very uncomfortable. My latest lid is a Bell Qualifier, certainly not fibreglass but polycarbonate which is way lighter and perfectly adequate for my use. Has all the safety stamps and approvals etc. Not cheap but as one of my mates said "buy a thirty quid lid for a thirty quid head if you've got one".😅



Scary or what?

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