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Tony Nijhuis Lysander

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I had the experience of test flying a nicely finished Nijhuis Lysander of unknown build provenance on Saturday.  After a few moments of doubt over clearing the hedge, it became apparent that it was in dire need of an armful of up elevator to achieve a positive climb - even after adding all of the available trim.  With the stick held an inch or so rear of centre, the model settled down to flying quite nicely - although stall testing was not really practical with limited elevator available. 


The landing was uneventful - if rather fast for a model of an aircraft designed for clandestine landings in foreign pasture fields and the trimmed position of the elevator was significantly up, so the obvious suspicion is a forward C of G.  My rule of thumb estimate certainly agreed with this conclusion although the complex wing planform makes this rather tricky to have confidence in. 


I've had a look through the build notes found on the 4Max site but it simply states that the C of G on the plan (which the owner doesn't have) should be correct...although deliberately forward.


As we don't have a plan or other reference to rigging angles, it's not easy to assess the build accuracy so, in order to cut a few corners, does anyone have experience of this model and/or access to the plan to help confirm my diagnosis?  A figure for the C of G position relative to the leading edge at the fuselage junction would be a good starting point.

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The TN Lysander plan was originally included as the free plan with the RCM&E 2009 Autumn special edition.

Perhaps someone will have a copy with the plan and build article?


There is also a long build thread on this forum, under Tony Nijhuis Plan Builders.



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