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Depends on how discharged to want to run the battery voltage down to and what application you are using the battery for.


30% (7.54V) is normally a good place IMHO and if its in a trainer type model you should be ok. If you are flying a edf then you might go into alarm not because the battery capacity has been used, but that due to the battery voltage has dropped under load.


I have a edf that gives me a low battery voltage just after take off, but once flying around the alarm clears unless I do a lot of WOT flying for more than 20 seconds



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At present I'm relying on setting the timer on my transmitter. 

So with this new voltage alarm I have now I was not sure on what I should set the low voltage at.

So from putting the battery in the plane with 99% full charge what low volatage should I set the alarm at so as not to damage the pack?

Battery 2s 7.4v 1500mAh

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I would set your voltage alarm at 7.5 v to begin with.  That should give you time to land before you drop below 20%.  How long do your set your timer for and what sort of aircraft is it and what sort of flying are you conducting?  Pootling around is very different from flying aerobatics that have a significant vertical extent.

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  • 2 months later...
39 minutes ago, Jonathan said:

Hi advice again please,  what would I set the discharge alarm at on the lipo alarm gadget at for

Lipo 3s 2200mAh 11.1V 

Kind regards Jonathan 

An easy to remember method that I would use is to take the nominal voltage printed on your LiPo and add .1 or .2 for an alarm or even just the nominal itself. 

So for 3S I would use 11.2.  

(I tend to do this via telemetry, without any load as 11.2 on the ground after a landing, to Peter’s above point, may have been 10.8 in the air)


Hope that helps keep it simple. 

Edited by Merry Mark
Decimal place error!
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