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Rebuilt HP61 classic.

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With Engine Doc's help I have achieved a promise I made myself since I got interested in classic aerobatics and that was to replace the engine I regretted selling some time ago. My first HP61 I had in the 1970s always seemed to lack something until it discovered nitro but more powerful engines were coming along like the OS61 RF and SF so I lost interest in the HP. I recently bought one from the bay which looked good on the surface but when I dismantled it, I found it full of the most disgusting black sludge which looked like coal dust mixed with grease. The exhaust was so full of this stuff that it's impossible to see how it could have been run to get to this point. The liner was so pitted it wasn't until ED said he had a replacement, I thought it was write-off. New piston and liner fitted and rebuilt with the addition an ex Laser Irvine carb. I'm waiting to test run it.



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I fitted a new rear bearing but the front one still looked and spun like new so I kept it. The rear one I removed still seemed to turn nicely once the brown deposit was cleaned off. It was the castor coke/sludge that filled (and I mean filled) the exhaust and the exhaust port that seemed excessive to me.

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