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Paul De Tourtoulon

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Everything posted by Paul De Tourtoulon

  1. Only I know that as it's there, and only I can see it, like all the other information, model weight, span, wing loading, c of g position, but seriously, I print them out and stick them inside with wood glue.
  2. What's wrong with a felt tip pen straight on the plane ?
  3. 🤢Yes, I also read articles from other 'professionals', I don't have any 'fixed' ideas, and I am willing to read and try other peoples, the proof is that I am trying a poorer castor mix now down to 1%, this article one was on a well known site on Enya (and others) motors, and posted by a professional who repairs engines, for a living, all sorts 2 / 4 strokes, did you actually read it ?, Read it, it explains all types of oil and their history, etc,,,
  4. Mine is 33cm x 50 cm, it does most, except for the over 20cc planes.
  5. It looks like a perfect fit for a cat, 🤣
  6. Not too relevant to your running in, but it looks like youy are new to methanol IC motors,and some will say that the 'subject' is old hat, I thought that maybe you would be interested in the article, OK it does date from 2015, but model fuels and metals haven't changed that much in 10 years. https://adriansmodelaeroengines.com/catalog/main.php?cat_id=54
  7. In the past, and maybe on cheap servos, but not on any Futaba ones for the last 25 years,,,
  8. A tedious afternoon, 14°c and fiddling with my microbeast x, and the 3 servos that I changed on the swashplate of my Bell 222, and a good maiden of one of our members new EV 'extra' on 4s and mode 1 🤢
  9. I was checking my Futura helicopter Sunday ( 20+ years old) and found that one of the Futaba S9202 servos on the swashplate had a small amount of play, I stripped it only to find an enormous amount of wear on one of the small gears and a tooth missing on it, needless to say I replaced all three of them, another lucky escape !
  10. Thanks, that is what I was trying to say,,,, here we go again,,,🤢
  11. Sorry peter, but I have seen so many crashes from people looking down at their radios, one is Pierre, looking down at his timer cost him his .90 Spitfire a couple of weeks ago, and at the slope, so many have lost sight at their gliders only to fly away, or they fly someone's else's glider, another running off of the runway into the fence while looking for the kill switch as their idle is too fast. Yes, it happens all the time. Not everyone like you has a good enough sight to focus on their plane and tx without changing glasses.
  12. Like the OS engines someone like jon who has a better memory than me will tell you, there were a few of their 45's amongst other Os engines that lost the chrome, look around the exhaust port for the yellow bronze colour.
  13. Just remind your follow flyers to hide in a safe place when you are flying, while you look down to find the right colored switch ! Ok, you could put a bit of tube or one of those colored bits so that you can feel for the right switch, but look down while flying.🤢
  14. Maybe your old Irvine has lost its chrome like my .53 did,,,
  15. Try putting tape on the fiber and then cutting it where the tape is, it will stop it falling to bits.
  16. Thanks Martin, but I would make my own kit, £300+ for what would cost less than £100, I was stirring up a hornet's nest, I have the petrol version, the FG-30 it had a useless con rod which even with 7% top of the range synthetic oil it broke, maybe I should have added some castor,, Here it is straightened with my home made bronze one, still going strong.
  17. I just bought a second hand Saito 180, am I stupid enough to convert it to petrol ?, I had a look at morris mini motors, has it been bought out by the yanks ?, I can't find the UK site.
  18. I have a couple of VQ planes, they all fly well, but as said the covering peels off while you are looking at it,,,🤢
  19. Because he is probably a mechanic and only want's to do the job properly,,,
  20. Maybe a trip to France,, https://fr.rs-online.com/web/c/visserie-et-fixations/vis-et-boulons/vis-a-metaux/?applied-dimensions=4294146397 https://fr.farnell.com/c/visserie-mecanique/visserie-fixations/vis-boulons/vis-machine?taille-de-filetage-metrique=m3.5
  21. I have a few 3.5mm screws, they are used a lot on Rossi engines, the rear cover is 3.5mm, and I got a load locally to screw it onto the aluminum engine mounting that is supplied with the Q .500 artf plane.
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