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Classic designs and slope soarers with 'soul'

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Whilst looking for the next model, Al and I started making suggestions to each other as to what would make the perfect next model for us. After a number of emails, our discussion boiled down to defining the next model as the one with 'soul'.
This comment initially made me laugh, but thing is I totally understood what was said. Some models just have it - others don't. Sometimes it's the looks, sometimes the performance - sometimes both.
Our general consensus was that the Phase 6 very much has soul, whereas the nameless model on Ebay didn't.
So - let's start a list! Classic designs, gliders you love owning and flying, and those with soul please.
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I wasn't even drunk! It comes from learning to fly full sized gliders, K13s, K7s, K8s and the Slingsby Capsten. Then it all went glass and a bit souless for me. I saw some really nicely put together soarers on a few web sites, but they just left me cold. 
The blizzard is one of them to be honest, but it's a means to an end. When I can fly properly and dont' think I'm going to stack it every landing, then I'm gettting something with soul. Just don't know what it is yet.
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I don't know about the Blizzard Al - it does have a very purposeful stance, and looks like it means business. OK it's a thoroughly modern foamie, and only took a couple of evenings to put together, but it feels right in the hand, and I can't wait to try it out. It's beginning to develop a soul!
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Well you could knock me down with a knobbly pineapple. I was googling for an image of the Slingsby Capstan (first model I - well my Dad ever built - in about ooooh 1980) when I found these two pictures of the original model.

Took me back 25+ years that did. I can smell the foam in those wings. Probably not iconic but I do remember the joy when we finally got it off a very large edge up in Derbyshire. My dad had a share in a full size one, hence the reason for the model.

Last thing I did with modelling until about a year ago. I'd love another one, but it'd be like your first car. Probably rubbish.

Edited By Alex Leigh on 19/03/2009 09:10:27

Edited By Alex Leigh on 19/03/2009 09:10:51

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Hey Andy, would luv a copy of the plan if you find it, I would be quite happy to pay for a copy.
I am about to start redrawing the Brolga circa 1980, which my real estate agent has had in his possession since about that time, it was his first plane and he is getting back into the hobby, so he wants to build a new one from scratch. First to clean up the original and patch a few holes, then down to the plan shop and have it scanned - that costs me about $5.00 or about 20 shillings.......pretty cheap for a A1 drawing and sometimes they throw in a print for the price......
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This thread has arrived at just the time I was contemplating building a flock of Ravens, if you think I am mad have a look at http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~msd/gliders1.html.
I have been in regular touch with Mike Smart the designer of these three birds and discussing different ideas like bumping up the size of the Raven 3m to a 4m, he said it would work fine so its one for the pot.
I have the plans for the little 1m and the more complex 2m, the 3m is a real eye opener but may save that one for when we have finally moved house and live just down the A470 from the Brecons because it would be an excellent glider for the wide open spaces up there.
I have also reduced the 3m plan to a 2m but with the gull wing and ailerons the Raven 2m doesnt have, should be interesting to find out how she flies,
regards,   Terry
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All three were designed in the early 80's but just dont look dated, they are very individual designs and not one of them is heavier than 9 oz wing loading unless you add ballast, the 2m does have ballast tubes in the wings for when required.
The Ravens are built from Balsa and spruce with all-moving tailplanes rather than just elevators, the 3m can be built with gull wing and ailerons or polyhedral without or straight wing  with or without dihedral or ailerons, its up to you and your requirements,
All of the plans have root and tip section for making foam wings as the plans have been updated, with mini servos and smaller radio gear there is bags of space in the fuse and less weight to lug around,
regards,     Terry 

Edited By Terence Lynock on 19/03/2009 23:47:55

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The gull wing Raven can only be built with ailerons as rudder/elevator just doesnt have enough authority according to its designer, he used a servo in the fuse and snakes originally but now we have mini servos he recommends those.
Having been clobbered once I think Jartie would think twice about taking on a big nasty black thing with bent wings looking like it had just cruised out of the Adams Family hanger,
regards,            Terry
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Have a go at it Phil! the plan is only seven quid with postage and it can use up all those bits of spare Balsa and Spruce you have cluttering up the corners, we can start a Ravenery or whatever it is called (well they call it a rookery for rooks dont they?),
best regards,        Terry
P.S just cut the fuse side panels for Rav 1m.
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  • David Ashby changed the title to Classic designs and slope soarers with 'soul'

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