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Everything posted by Bill_B

  1. Posted by Dave Bran on 09/04/2017 17:37:31: Gening Servos = TOTAL RUBBISH. I tend to use Ripmax SD100 otherwise know as Dymond 4.7 (4.7g). Totally agree! SD100 servos are superb for what they cost and are high voltage capable, therefore they can be safely used with a 2s LiPo if required.
  2. Bob, maybe the right aileron trim was due to the left wing being heavier than the right wing? Is the lateral balance ok? Nice model by the way.  Edited By Bill_B on 04/04/2017 19:10:53
  3. Posted by Andy Palmer on 04/04/2017 16:35:09: Hi Pete, firstly, Sharkface is most definitely a male so please beware of calling him a 'she', or he may well bite when you least expect it! Not sure mine looks terribly male in pink...! It's ok Andy, he's just a bit camp.
  4. Posted by Peter G Simpson on 04/04/2017 09:36:35: ............and I'm really looking forward to her maiden! Also, there is a huge amount of downthrust, presumably to lessen the trim change when the motor stops under single channel operation. With the electric setups that you are experimenting with, would you say that the downthrust could be reduced? Edited By Peter G Simpson on 04/04/2017 09:38:36 Hi Pete, firstly, Sharkface is most definitely a male so please beware of calling him a 'she', or he may well bite when you least expect it! Secondly, If built as per original plan the downthrust is correct irrespective of the motive force (leccy or ic), or the amount of rc channels used.  Edited By Bill_B on 04/04/2017 15:22:46
  5. I'm not an ace flier by any means (wish I was!), but I can consistently land on the strip without trauma to the undercarriage, and I have yet to suffer a 'dead stick' with any of my electric powered airframes. I guess I've been very lucky so far. However, I do accept that no two ARTFs are the same and that certain examples will have an issue, some multiple issues, just as with any other mass produced product on the market. All that said, the ARTF Acrowot is still an excellent sport plane at a sensible price.
  6. In all honesty I can't find anywhere that needs reinforcing on the ARTF Acrowot and as mine's electric powered the film covering should remain pristine for the life of the plane.
  7. My Acrowot's covering was extremely well applied and still is wrinkle free. My only niggle is that you have to buy either a glow or electric mount system. IMHO both options should be included, as a lot of other manufactures do.
  8. Posted by Mark Kettle 1 on 26/03/2017 09:48:56: 22 Oz Bill do you know what size battery it was using? That's with a 3s 2100mAh LiPo.
  9. It'll be interesting to see what the final AUW will be. The original standard Funjet weighed about 620g (22ozs) ready to fly.
  10. Turbo prop or jet Chris? The only really large aircraft I see on a fairly regularl basis going in & out of EMA is the An-124 collecting R-R engines for shipment abroad, but that has a blue/white fin. P.S. I'm guessing your a member of LEMAC?
  11. I wonder what thoughts Ali Machinchy has on this issue.....
  12. Sounds more like an arthritis related rest to me.
  13. Hi Peter, I don't know if you've seen these Multiplex plug moulds before, but they make an extremely neat and secure hot glue joint: **LINK** I bought one early last year and it's a high quality unit which is very quick & easy to use. Some may argue that they're expensive products, but as the saying goes, "you only get what you pay for".
  14. Thanks for your support Denis, poor old Bill has obviously touched a nerve with the collective, but he has broad shoulders.
  15. Spot on Percy, and it was the 'single' rx version I was referring to, but I also use the standard and telemetry rx's. I have also previously used the same brand on 35mhz without issue.
  16. It's widely known that Spektrum equipment has had issues from the beginnng of the 2.4 era and continues to do so as confirmed by reports on various forums, this one included. My view is that a manufacturer who relies on satellite receivers can't be too sure about the reliability of the radio link in the first place! I own 2 German radio sets which I've had since the advent of 2.4 and neither use satellite receivers, nor have I experienced a model crashing due to signal loss, or even experienced from so called 'brown outs'. Having said that, I do use Spektrum for small models due to the compatibility with a lot of Horizon Hobbies BNF models.
  17. Posted by David Davis on 05/03/2017 10:31:34: Do you think that a Mills 75 would fly one? Absolutely! The original Sharkface was designed for motors between .8cc - 1.5cc
  18. Posted by Geoff Jackson on 03/03/2017 23:04:22: Everyone's forgetting that this pilot was criticised the year before for cavalier flying at the Southport airshow. Smoke and mirrors and I know the AAIB cant apportion blame but lets see what the coroner now reports at the inquest. Geoff, I'm sure nobody is forgetting, but if he was deemed a serious liability he'd have been grounded without hesitation. He wasn't. Also, I don't like apportioning blame so easily when there are question marks over many issues.
  19. Posted by Peter Miller on 03/03/2017 14:33:09: Basically too slow, too low. I think that was determined early on Pete, but what amazes me is the very poor state of the compressor blades and stators. I.E., the surface corrosion (not damage due to the crash) that is quite apparent in the photos supplied by R-R.
  20. Hi Geoff, I lifted this off the RCGroups web site; "I added weight to the nose inside the plastic vent ..can't remember how much .. but I balanced at 60mm cause my pals one was real tail heavy at 70 . I'm using a 2200 ..gives good 7mins of flight .. watch out on take off for left torque ..she doesn't like to be rolled out on high power" There is a lot more info over there on the Dynam Hurricane thread so it could be well worth a gander. Edited By Bill_B on 28/02/2017 14:43:55
  21. Not being electronics minded It's still all double Dutch to me.
  22. Well done Pete, a good project well done. As António says, could you to post a simple 'how to do it' for others to emulate? Especially for those (like myself) that aren't too electronics savvy.
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