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Everything posted by jeff2wings

  1. Making an absolutely cracking job of it there Nigel a nd I do like a biplane or two myself! Looking forward to seeing the end result πŸ‘ is this going to have ep or ic
  2. That's a very nice build, the finish on the crankcase and anodising look very smart and silencer fitting very neat, however the os E 3030 is to small for this engine as it's meant to fit engines of .35-46 range and will cause excessive back pressure resulting in over heating and poor top end performance. This has more volume and a 10mm outlet
  3. Got a NIB kit off evil bay last year for less than Β£70 ! So there maybe more out there so keep looking or maybe one that's seen better days and refurbish it,they fly So well it's worth the effort πŸ‘
  4. You can machine out the valve cages and install new,or it my be the ring is sticking causing the low compression,without disassembly it's hard to tell how its been (miss)used
  5. Have a couple of plans for the D Va ,Mike Booth that was a free plan a Ziroli one at 1/6 scale, and a Dr 1 byTony Lunt at 1/5 scale that's a lovely set of drawings just to look at, Pfalz D111 at 1/4,Fokker D VI ,RE8 etc etc......plans take up a lot less space and a good deal cheaper than kits 😁 one day, one day.........
  6. Given up on building the Dr 1 DD?? At 70" makes the D 111 1/5 scale so a 90 would be quite adequate, 20-30 cc for 1/4 scale at 88"
  7. There's a very nice ASP 180 on the bay ,be much better of with that,and you won't have any problems getting the tank in the correct position πŸ˜‰
  8. I wouldn't do that if I were you, it's supposed to be parallel like on ST carbs What you have there is an original series 1 sc and caveman a series 2 the series 3 have square heads and rear mounted n/v ,and yes the series 1 were definitely known for being a bit tricky, had many asp/sc 2s and 4s and the later ones definitely a hole lot better, just persevere with it
  9. The tank sits quite low in this model (but not low enough for a laser) so it's were it needs to be now,it will be nice to finally get this airborne with the engine it was brought for after sitting in my workshop for the last 8-9 years ☺
  10. Final version for the intake for this model
  11. 😏oh boy! Well thanks for the comments ED ,I could relate an encounter with someone in the modeling 'press ' about 30 + years ago regarding NT'S engineering choice for the intake but given some of the guff I read with regards not just laser,but other engines like the SC61 carb issue, l'm not going to have that conversation.... Anyhow, it was just a proof of concept for a particular model, a Seagull i sport ,l did try a couple of 2 strokes (3 actually) but due too the tank sitting back from the firewall somewhat ,the idle was inconsistent despite using hot /4s plugs ,plugs with idle bar even a Perry pump Anyway the laser is going back in ,ended up cutting an 1" off the front in order too get the cg right, ho hum πŸ˜…
  12. With the weather forcing a break in flying activities it's back to engine work, rebuilt a ASP 180 with new bearings, camshaft, lifters and valves, TT 91 new bearings and clean, Jones 61 new bearings and clean and something I have been meaning to do for some time, Laser intake mod ...........😈 This is the Jones 61 it's a home built from a set of castings, I got this one of e-bay but I do have a full set and drawings to build later and the intake tube for the Laser so I can use it without having to butcher the front end too get the tank somewhere near the right place running on a late model merco 35 carb very nicely, it's a straight swap for the original intake and carb
  13. Maiden flight for the silhouette with engine No 3 ,engine 1 had a faulty prop driver, engine 2 faulty carb but engine 3 πŸ‘although I had to use a os 4 stroke plug to get it to idle, all engines 40 year old HP 40's 😊.I had one 30 odd years ago and I remember it as a fantastic flyer and it still is!
  14. Well a real milestone for me today, maiden flight of my o/d Sorceress 1 and o/d designed/made engine, had too swap out the carb a couple of times before I was happy too fly it,once airborne only required a couple of clicks of down trim ! Best of all was super smooth and tracked well in basic loops and rolling manoeuvres, absolutely chuffed πŸ™‚
  15. Still plodding along whenever I can, not too much of a problem with the weather as it isπŸ˜’ made the prop driver ,took two attempts in order to get the look/fit that I wanted and did a bit more to the second set of castings
  16. As soon as I looked at the picture I recognised the engine and plane, had a stalker 40se in a Brodack cardinal ,unfortunately I only have a CG spinner in 21/4"
  17. Last major component now finished, now need to finish the induction side ,make prop driver and a pair of piston rings, oh and several hours hand finishing the castings so they don't look like I made them with a blunt chisel.
  18. The 1.8 is a good size, it would be easy to do on the Drummond or the Holly Buddy 2.5 ......... ....that I started a couple of weeks ago
  19. In a word,no,quite frankly your best bet is to go and download a set of drawings from outerzone.com for one of a number of engine designs that are made from barstock and then try and make friends with someone that has a tig welder that can repair the Atom cases in the meantime.
  20. It would be interesting to see if there was any increase in performance over petrol/ignition vs methanol/ignition vs straight glow,l will using a altered head shape for increased compression ratio along with a ringed aluminium piston as used in the Mk2 Atom Minor
  21. Having got out of jail with the exhaust duct time to finish the cylinder and make the head and intake rotor shaping the combustion chamber snug fit !
  22. Got too spend a few hours on this over the last couple of days Hi
  23. So it's the main crankcase that needs repair then?
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