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Dai Fledermaus

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Everything posted by Dai Fledermaus

  1. It's rare, it's vintage, it's a MDS and it's only £100.00. What's not to like? LINK
  2. Posted by Martin Harris on 26/09/2018 16:35:12: Posted by Nigel R on 26/09/2018 15:40:03: "my tutor has just worked out that his recently acquired Yamada costs c. £5 per flight in fuel alone" Hmm. 160 fl oz in a gallon. Average glow gallon, £20? That's either using up 40 fl oz per flight, or some maths has gone wrong! Most 40 size use about £1 a flight (8 fl oz... or less). Could be right... YS engines can be very thirsty - and 30% nitro, which many users prefer is around £50 per gallon so at 16 oz per flight, that's only 10 flights per gallon...plus the cost of an explosives precursor licence! Hopefully, someone will be selling 29%... Looking around, it seems that even 20% is selling at around £40 - makes me glad I am still getting 10% at £13 a gallon from club stocks! Edited By Martin Harris on 26/09/2018 16:40:10 I know my wife often claims I'm dence, or as she puts it ' you've just come up on the down train' , but do we have a parallel conversation here about the cost of fuel in a thread about glue? 😋
  3. Archiving Lightness, in the Special Issue of RCM&E by Richard Crapp has an interesting comment on the subject of glue on page 71. A very interesting article all round I think.
  4. Interesting item on Dragons Den tonight for the professional drone flyers. **LINK** Edited By Dai Fledermaus on 09/09/2018 20:52:21
  5. I was interested to learn how detailed those early plate glass cameras were and that the senior officer was usually the observer. The pilot, often a junior rank, was just the chauffeur.Edited By Dai Fledermaus on 05/09/2018 17:14:09
  6. Tonight at 9.0 on the PBS America Channel. Available on Freeview and Freesat. Not sure if it's on Sky. **LINK**
  7. Well done Tim, a massive win. Just think of some of the RC gear you could buy.
  8. A neighbour of mine appeared on the Weakest Link many years ago. When asked, he didn't know who Stan Laurel's equally famous partner was. He claimed he was like a rabbit caught in some headlights at that point, but I never let him live it down .
  9. I understand this programme is being shown this coming weekend. Not sure of the details yet. **LINK**
  10. What ever you use don't scrimp on the diameter of exhaust oroextend it too far . A free flow for the exhaust is needed as too much back pressure will adversely affect the engine and can cause overheating etc. Edited By Engine Doctor on 29/08/2018 10:19:21 Would that advice apply equally to your average glow motor?
  11. Thanks for your offers of help fellers, it wasn't a serious reguest for a Russian speaker. Sorry if the heading of my post was a bit misleading..
  12. Sorry fellers couldn't get the link to work. Now I can't delete the post.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmiRLJeRMsM Edited By Dai Fledermaus on 10/08/2018 20:31:45
  14. I'm just reading Spitfire A Very British Love Story by John Nichol , a passionate portrait of that magnificent aircraft. It's a great tribute to brave young men like Jeffery Wellum who flew it as well as those who kept it flying. It's a good read covering the Spitfires many innovations and updates told in the first hand accounts by the men who took part in the various deployments of the Spit throughout the war. I must say that the photo of Mr Wellum with Prince Charles which the BBC carried on the News today raised my hackles somewhat. Charles, in some honnery Air Marshall's uniform had more medals on his chest than MR Wellum. Such things do bring out the Republican in me.
  15. I just can't get my head around the recommended engine sizes for some, but not all, of Ben Buckle's kits. Can anyone enlighten me? Perhaps I'm missing something? For Example:- Radio Queen 40 2 stroke or 40 4 stroke Red Zephyr 40 2 stroke or 40 4 stroke Majestic Major 60 2 stroke or 60 4 stroke Flying Quaker 45 to 60 2 stroke 45 to 60 4 stroke I could go on to include the Double Diamond Demon, Record Breaker and Falcon because same size of both 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine is quoted. My point is that if a 40 4 stroke motor provides adequate power, as in the case of Radio Queen and Red Zephyr wouldn't a 40 2 stroke overpower it?
  16. So many, but how about this trio:- Blue Suede Shoes, Carl Perkins and friends. LINK Crying and Hoping, Chris Issak LINK I Think It's Going To Work Out Fine Ry Cooder LINK
  17. I've often seen it done, but never really understood why it's done, perhaps someone can explain. Having started the engine, the main needle adjusted for max revs albeit slightly rich, the model is then picked up and it's nose pointed to the sky and the main needle is again adjusted based on how the engine reacts. If the fuel tank is pressurised, what difference does holding the nose up make?
  18. Can I come out now? Can I I stick my head above the trench I dug to get away from all the hype? Just a word of advice to the mainly English based Media in the UK, do the celebration after the victory. 😋
  19. As a PS, one of our club members was rushed by ambulance from our club field last year with what everyone thought was a heart attack. After an overnight stay, it turned out to be heat stroke, so be careful out there.
  20. Posted by Josip Vrandecic -Mes on 08/07/2018 12:30:30: Hi Dai , thank you, this picture is incredible ... and they say the sheeps are stupid .. Edited By Josip Vrandecic -Mes on 08/07/2018 12:31:13 Thanks Josie, but I have to say that there sheep around here are far from stupid. Ive seen them walk across cattle grids which are specifically designed to prevent livestock from crossing.
  21. Our Club field has little in the way of shade except for a hedge which as the sun get higher in the sky, chairs get moved closer and closer to it until we are almost sitting in the hedge. Then from midday you are in the full glare of it. A few hardy flyers, however, have been there every day so it's not just `mad dogs who go out in the midday sun`. I must confess it's been far too hot for me. These local sheep have been feeling it too. It's not my photo by the way so I can't take credit for it. Edited By Dai Fledermaus on 08/07/2018 09:49:48
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