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Gordon S

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  1. Steve, hopefully this will help. - Top of the fairings should be level with top of F15 or as near as you can get. Run a sanding block over F15 if they are a bit proud.They are going to be covered with triangular section to blend into fin anyway. - the reason they may be a bit low is that the fairings do taper in towards the rear. On some scale drawings, this taper was only in the last third of the fairing, in others it shows the whole length. for simplicity I tapered the whole fairing on both the prototype and Gamma builds. Because the fairings are further apart at the front than back, mine did drop a fraction but that could have been my heavy sanding!?!?!? Hope that helps?
  2. Thought you were honorary Russian with small Antanov of yours??
  3. For the group photo on the day of the comp, thought it might be nice to have small flag from each country taking part (even if not actually able to attend on the day!!). Sabre kit has been sold to 8 or 9 countries so far!! could be laid out on grass in front or on small flag poles behind us?? Would mean builders from USA, Japan etc could at least feel a part of the weekend?? Any thoughts?? (Might even let the English bring one!!?!?!?!?)
  4. If anyone needs scale drawings for other types of missiles, pse let either Martin G or myself know. We have a few in the 'Geek files' & can rescale if needed.
  5. Dirk you make the rest of us look like beginners!!!!! Awesome work!!!
  6. Can’t believe you heathens cut up my nice plans!!!!!!!! Took Martin & I hours to HAND DRAW each one!!!! 😂😂😂�😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  7. Hi guys, Just in front of the fin on the fuselage plan, there is a small top view drawing which shows the fillets tapering out as they go forwards. ie narrow over the jet pipe and wider in front of the fin. In hindsight I think I should have made that clearer with either text or better drawing on the plan. (Humble apologies) From the various scale drawings we used, the angle seems to vary considerably!!!!!! As long as the piano wire pivot is free to rotate in the brass tube, it doesnt matter what angle the fillets are set to. Its the brass tube that is glued into the fuselage formers to keep everything aligned. hope that helps??
  8. whats not to like about planking!?!?!?! I dream of planking!!!!! or is that just my warped nightmares?!?!?!
  9. Hi Dirk, Didnt mean to cause panic. just wanted to check you realised fillets were further apart at the front than over the engine exhaust?? Didnt want those nasty scale Police giving you hard time!!!!
  10. very impressive work with the airbrakes Dirk!!! Real engineering skills!! Hope you dont mind, but I'm hoping to use some of your ideas with the airbrakes on the MIG15 drawings!!! Not sure if its the photo angle, but looks like you have fairings parallel to fin?? is this intentional??
  11. Anyone interested in a scrollsaw?? Open to any sensible offers. Ferm FFZ-400N Its old but works fine. Can take it to the Orme this weekend if anyone is interested?
  12. If you do have probs with the lower fin, try using 2 or 3 sets of rare earth magnets. I did that with the engine pods on the big B52 i recently built. Think the idea originally came from Andy Meade?
  13. Just started cutting the foam and shaping!! Looking good so far! Struggling to find 7x6 GWS 3-blade props though. Anyone got any ideas? Being a bit of a newbee to elec side, it would have been nice to see a bit more info on the motor choice. Would at least give me a starting point to work from. Cyril used 1700kv motors, but there seems to be a huge choice!! Again, any help would be appreciated. Gordon
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