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John H. Rood

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About John H. Rood

  • Birthday 03/04/1955

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  1. Dirk, Surely our wives and girlfriends will all look at this photo of yours and realise that THIS is how to design and decorate their DREAM living room for their dream house! πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜…
  2. Thanks, Andy! Where I left off was October 2019, and me having to add a bit of fuselage skin on the the belly aft of the wing TE, adding thin balsa lams to a few spots where I had gone overboard with the sanding block... creating a touch of the dreaded "starved horse" look. This all happened because I neglected to follow Phil's procedure of making careful "do not sand deeper than here" guide marks beforehand! To show the project's current state, here's a photo from a few years ago... drinks in the Den of Iniquity with some impressionable civilians. My next step now is to finish fixing that aft snafu, finish the elevator control installation, and close up that nose.
  3. Reentering the fray after far too long away. Looking here at a step I inadvertently missed: Making an exit path for the elevator control. I've included a screen shot of what Phil Cooke did, and now I'm having to do it with the fuselage all buttoned and shaping begun. Would've been better to do it in Phil's sequence! Now -- where in blazes did I put put those snakes? The wife and I moved to a new home this year, and much as I tried to pack up and move the workshop in an organized fashion, I see I have a ways to go! Organization and all that. πŸ˜…
  4. πŸ˜„ My favourite moment in Phil's amazing build story! The man goes on holiday with his wife and he's researching Sea Hawk gun port spacing!!! 🀣 Beautiful! This is why I love PSS !!! πŸ€“πŸ˜Έ
  5. Chris, your model looks fantastic! Love that you had her in tip tanks, underwing pods, aerials, everything -- for her MAIDEN!
  6. If I have my family history correct, my uncle Paul’s first solo in any airplane was in a Tweetie Bird, it was at Lackland AFB, Texas way back in the 1950s. He went on to a full USAF career flying the bigger guys all over the world and then the airlines upon retirement. But the Tweet β€” what a fun subject for PSS!
  7. The Hamilcar X. ? Sacky, that's the bird I was thinkin' about, too! Fits the 24 hour build madness perfectly! I've had the unpowered original Hamilcar design on my wish-list for a while now. Last year I had some FF scale glider drawings printed up from the OuterZone website, thinking this could be a fairly simple project that I might actually be able to complete. I took this photo just now... in the foreground is a great old Aeromodeller magazine plan, and in the background is a (less romantic!) contemporary re-draw/upgrade. Each plan is on two pages; only one of each is shown here.
  8. Thanks, Phil! Doing OK; struggling to stay fed and watered because all food and drink now tastes awful to me! The chemo and radiation are working their magic! But I am workin' it , too, one step at a time. So now, with David Ashby's help, my original thread for this build will start up again from its beginning in March 2016.
  9. Phil, that scheme is what attracted me, too! Glad you like! Phil, also, somehow last year my initial post (way back in March 2016 -- I am guilty as charged!) got deleted -- and YOUR user name then appeared in its masthead. Fast-forward to now, and RCM&E's David Ashby is very kindly helping me sort it. He instructed me to start a new thread and so that's what we have here. He then shall transfer all the stuff from the "old" thread over to here, and delete that "old" thread. Meanwhile, I'm back at building the model -- so I'll have some actual progress to report.
  10. Gents, I grew up seeing bright orange/red and white airplanes out in the 1950s-1960s high desert of Southern California, and with this Skyhawk build I'd like to tap into those vague but absolutely fantastic memories. So I'm wading into the fray here with a California-based A4D-1 Skyhawk, either a Weekend Warrior with the US Navy reserves circa 1960 at NAS Los Alamitos, or one that served as a weapons test aircraft with the US Navy and US Marines out in the high desert of Naval Air Facility (NAF) China Lake and over water with the Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) at Point Mugu. So, I'll need to modify the PSSA A-4E/F Mass Build design just a bit to represent an earlier Skyhawk, the A4D-1, a designation that was later changed to the A-4A. These Skyhawks are identifiable by their shorter nose, no refueling probe, and lack of external stiffeners for the rudder. The next development, the A4D-2 (later designated A-4B), incorporated a refueling probe and the rudder stiffeners. Next came the A4DN-2 (later designated A-4C), which brought a longer nose that housed advanced avionics. Next came the A-4E and F variants with the more familiar Skyhawk shape we see in Matt and Phil's PSSA design. Unfortunately the photo here of a PMTC A4DN-2 and A4D-1 at sea off Point Mugu is lo-res, but compare the two nose shapes in that photo and you see the most prominent difference between the two marques, as well as general colour & markings for reserve and test aircraft in California during that era. The AD4N-2 is in the foreground, and behind her is an A4D-1. And I just had to include the early 1960s photo of an Point Mugu A4D-2 (A-4B) because of her fabulous AQM-37 target drones. That's a lot of aero-enthusiast mojo right there!
  11. Chris, sorry you've been struggling with health stuff, mojo maintenance, et al. I can definitely relate! Most of us can. It's been a tough year, for sure. Mojo Stirrers: Your workmanship on view in these two photos of yours! Best Wishes -- John in Boston (who has some work to do as well! YEAH, JUST A LITTLE, MATE)
  12. Chris, all that detail discussion with Phil about the aileron torque rod linkage is very helpful for me.  Your workmanship looks very good. Q: Have you thought about using an AIR CONDITIONING unit device in your workshop? Seems the heat is a real problem for you there.   Edited By John H. Rood on 21/08/2020 16:29:55
  13. Excellent, Sacky! The Sidewinder missile was so aptly named -- developed and tested in the harsh desert of China Lake, California. Deep in memory is the fearsome presence of The Sidewinder, a desert predator that pushed all the right buttons for many of us warped 1950s/60s kids in the USA. We first learned of it in the 1958 Walt Disney Productions' documentary THE LIVING DESERT. And here's a fun little audio-visual foray into the Sidewinder's mystique! Turn your audio UP!   Edited By John H. Rood on 04/07/2020 19:01:46
  14. David, two scans for you: Your Captain Grey is looking good for an OK-3 on this one.  By the looks of the painting, I'm thinking the original art was done by the great John Steel?  Terrific action-perspective of CV-62, the Indy, one of the great Forrestal class "supercarriers". You asked about my XFJ-2 Fury build progress: Zero!   But for weeks I have been focused on reorganizing my Cellar of Aeronautical Doom and it has been a colossal battle; a lifetime of STUFF and a glaring lack of discipline as to inefficient STORAGE vs functional WORKSPACE; as part of that war I found this circa 1962 model kit amongst the rubble. I made these two scans off my small home machine for you; at 1/600th scale the kit is too large to fit on my scanner bed, so here are the two bits. No ideal, but there it is! I have now declared a bloody stalemate/cease-fire in my battle with my mess; time for me to cut wood on the Fury. The workshop has never been better, all feels very good... so no more excuses!  Meanwhile, thanks for checking in on me yesterday and kudos on your good work here.  That instrument panel is really COOL.  Sure looks the part! Edited By John H. Rood on 09/06/2020 16:01:51
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