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Alan Gorham_

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Alan Gorham_ last won the day on April 15 2023

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  1. Blatantly untrue! I got two emails on renewal this year. One with an ecard for my Google wallet and one with a printable pdf confirming membership details. I dont think you'll get a great hearing on this site making statements that aren't correct. In any case, if you have an issue with the BMFA then your best course of action is to take it up directly with them.
  2. The postcode is shown on the flyer. It's in Brampton Bierlow not too far from Barnsley.
  3. Its perfectly possible to be an active flyer and a BMFA member and not require either an OP ID or a valid RCC to fly legally. It's not applicable to everyone.
  4. Peterborough models made the kits in later years but they were definitely designed and made originally by LMC.
  5. Your original Mirage would have been a Leicester Model Centre or LMC kit. They also made a Harrier GR.3, Phantom, Hawk and the non scale Gnatty. Long out of Production.... Bill Kits make a wood and foam kit of a Mirage III which is designed for an IC engine up the chuff. https://www.billkits.com/shop/mirage-iiii/
  6. Just thought I'd post some pics of the models I've been flying this autumn and winter fuelled by Southern Modelcraft fuel. I've had much fun with an old PFM Giant Zlin that I rescued earlier this year. Had to service the ST.75 with new bearings and ring and it's still running in, but the model flies beautifully, so will be stripped and refurbished this winter.
  7. Hi I was looking for: 5% nitro, 20% castor oil glow fuel in gallons, Laser straight (15% oil) in gallons. I can see that the Laser straight has returned to stock since I last looked, but any news on the castor based fuel? Also, would you be prepared to mix up a custom blend to suit my big old Super Tigre glow engines? Something like 9% ML70, 3% castor, no nitro.
  8. Would this be a good place to ask if/ when you expect to restock some of the fuels showing as out of stock on your website? I tried to buy a couple of different mixes of fuel at the LMA Elvington show in August. There was no stock then and none since.
  9. Looks to have been built from the Gary Sunderland plan. It's even painted in the same scheme as his prototype, so there's at least two of them out there.
  10. I'd hope that you might be able to save the BMFA some money and time in sending you a printed copy of the handbook, when you can instantly obtain it online, from their website for free.
  11. Is this thread really about a man being shocked that a long-established retailer advertised an item for sale and the person was then able to buy it? That seems to be the gist of the OP, once I waded through some arcane pidgin English, repetition and stream of consciousness that can only mean anything to the OP.
  12. Actually the Enya SS series were first released in the very late 1980s! Granted the version you link to has a funky new cylinder head. The original range had an SS25 and SS30 aero, while the 35 was reserved for helis where it was up against the OS 32.
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