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Gary Manuel

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Everything posted by Gary Manuel

  1. Charger will be an Ohme Home Pro 2. Not yet fully solar integrated (they are apparently still working on this feature) but shouldn't be an issue as I think I will be able to charge the car from batteries / inverter and all excess solar used to recharge the batteries. My electricity usage is actually significantly higher than the solar panels will deliver, so I am thinking that I will just end up charging the car from the grid at the 7.5 /kWh rate at the same time that I am topping up the batteries. GivEnergy charger sounds like a bargain (once it is available).
  2. That's the annoying thing. Nissan appear to have taken it upon themselves to add the really loud reversing "noise" with no way of turning it off when other companies haven't. As I say, other than that, it's a nice car. On a more positive note, here's a photo of my smart meter monitor. Note the peak in kWh representing charging the car between 00:30 and 04:30 (00:40 to 04:20 actually - just in case). Here's the same usage represented as £s. The peak has completely gone due to the 7.5p per unit 4 hours Octopus Go rate. Very satisfying 🙂. It will get even more satisfying after my fast charger gets installed in 2 weeks time and then my solar / battery system later in the year (when products become available).
  3. I think I know what Nissan's reply will be. Drat. Hole spotted in UK gov legislation.
  4. No - just have a good old chuckle like the work men did..... Anyway, I have an update. Ten out of 10 for Nissan Customer Services in getting back to me so quickly with the following reply: *********************************************************************************************************************** Dear Mr Manuel, Thank you for contacting Nissan Customer Services about your Nissan Leaf REG-xxxxxxx VIN- xxxxxxxxxxxx and its specifications. We here at Nissan pride ourselves on the durability and technical excellence of our vehicles. We understand that you have contacted us due to reversing sound of your vehicle. We would like to inform you that It is not possible to disable this feature, as per regulation ECE-138. It is important to us to provide innovation that excites us, and as such we are constantly finding new ways to change and improve our product line-up. Due to our focus on improving and modifying our models, variations of each model may have different components, software and hardware. Sometimes, modifications are made when creating our newer models, other features may need to be removed to accommodate them or to make the vehicle affordable for our customers. We do apologise that your Nissan leaf does not have the same components as the Nissan vehicles you had seen previously. We do appreciate the fact you have taken the time to let us know your feedback on this feature, and we will ensure that this feedback is recorded in our systems for internal review. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details provided below. Kind regards *********************************************************************************************************************** and my reply back to them: *********************************************************************************************************************** Thank you for your reply on this matter. I understand that ECE-138 (clause 6.2.6) requires that the "pause function" is not permitted and would explain why the switch has been removed for countries where this standard still applies. https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs/2017/R138r1e.pdf The vehicle in question was however, supplied within the UK and should therefore be compliant with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1576. This supersedes (and in fact refers to) ECE-138. The vehicle should therefore be fitted with a switch to allow the sounder to be temporarily disabled. As stated within my original query, this is to allow for legal use of the vehicle within the hours of 23:30 and 07:00 and at noise sensitive locations. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/eur/2017/1576/annex/paragraph/1 Could I therefore repeat my request that my car to be retrospectively fitted with a switch to make it legal for me to drive at night? Regards, Gary Manuel ***********************************************************************************************************************
  5. Not asking for silence. The subtle sound it makes going forwards would be fine, but the reverse sound is MUCH louder. I took my wife to the dentist yesterday and had to reverse out of the car park. A group of workmen stopped what they were doing INSIDE the dentist and came outside to see what all the commotion was about. It's embarrassing! This is the old style Leaf, but the sound is similar. Yuk.
  6. Yes, I've seen it. Options are: 1. Disconnect the speaker but that also disconnects the simulated engine noise when moving slowly forwards. Also gives a dashboard warning. 2. Use an OBD2 plug / LeafSpy Pro Android software to change it, but Nissan have disabled this for latest models (grrr). 3. Put a sock in the speaker or tape it up to reduce the output level. 4. Wire a switch between pin 5 on the sound module and ground (this is where the missing dashboard switch should be wired). I shouldn't need to and won't be doing any of these.
  7. I wish it was that simple.
  8. I've just sent the following question to Nissan UK Customer Services. Let's see what they have to say about it. I resisted the temptation to send it as a complaint, but that option is always open as a next step. ***************************************************************************************************************************** I recently picked up my 2022 Nissan Leaf from Evans Halshaw in Doncaster. I am generally pleased with it but I have one major concern. The car has a very loud annoying sounder which comes on when reversing. There does not appear to be any way of silencing this sounder. This is contrary to the requirements of UK legislation, which requires cars with such devices to be fitted with a switch to allow the driver to silence the sounder when judged necessary. Such times would include when reversing in sensitive areas such as in hospital / hospice grounds or during the hours from 11:30 pm to 07:00 am in built up areas when it would in fact be illegal! The following link is an extract from the UK government website which shows the requirements for Electric Vehicles. The requirement for the switch is shown in Section II clause 2(b). https://www.legislation.gov.uk/eur/2017/1576/annex/paragraph/1 The following link is from the UK government Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986. Section 99(1)(b) clearly shows that a sounder must not sound within the hours 23:30 and 07:00 on a restricted road. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1986/1078/regulation/99/made I note that older UK models of the Nissan Leaf had a switch on the dashboard to silence the alarm, but it is missing from my vehicle. Would it be possible for my car to be retrospectively fitted with a switch to make it legal for me to drive at night, or for you to explain to me why mine is not fitted with a switch? *****************************************************************************************************************************
  9. I agree, but the Nissan Leaf sound is comical and embarrassing. I haven't used it at night yet, but I assume it still beeps. Surely illegal between 11:30 pm and 7:00 am in built up areas! Even railway crossings need to be quietened / silenced at those times in order to pass the DforT inspection, so a beeping car should not be allowed either.
  10. I've just read the link. It would appear that Nissan are non compliant as they do not allow the sound to be temporarily disabled - at least not on the latest models. I might take this up with Nissan.
  11. Dishwasher has a timer on it. I've just made an Arduino driven board to simulate pushing the start button on my washing machine at a set time. Both being used most nights. I'll soon have 2 X 9.5kWh batteries which will be topped up overnight to supplement the solar charging. Hoping not to have to use much full price electric eventually. Regarding noise, I don't mind the simulated engine noise to alert (sight impaired / jay-walking) pedestrians. It's the reverse beeping that I find unbearable. Other manufacturers don't have it and it used to be switchable on older Leafs. Nissan have even stopped it being controllable via the OBD2 service plug for the latest couple of years.
  12. Well I managed to get myself onto Octopus Go tariff. Only snag is that I convinced myself that it was worth while leasing a Nissan Leaf to facilitate it - picked it up on Wednesday. Any one know how to stop it making that stupid embarrassing beep beep beep beep beep beep .... reversing sound? 🤬 Other than that, it seems like a great car, and at 2p per mile (night time charging at 7.5p/KWh), it's about 10% of the cost of fuelling a similar sized petrol car.
  13. I have 6x 5000 60C Turnigy Heavy Duty packs I bought in 2019. Never used. Still at Storage Voltage so should be as good as new. I decided to sell all my large electric models just after I bought these. Screen dump from my purchase history attached. Yours for £240 for the lot (That's £40 each). Located in Doncaster. Collection only due to postal restrictions. Includes a free cuppa and a chat.
  14. I often think that the likes of eBay etc should be held partially responsible (liable) for fake goods sold through their site. As it stands, they actually benefit by the 10%+ commission they earn. If fake goods are reported to eBay, at best the seller will issue a refund and carry on selling the fake goods. Now if eBay was obliged to pass any reports of fake goods onto the police / authorities, and take 10%+ of any fines / sentences, things might change. Until then, eBay buyer beware.
  15. Maybe we should adopt "Sweet Caroline" as our new National Anthem. It might go some way to improving Charles' popularity rating. I don't have a bad word to say about the Queen by the way. RIP Queen Elizabeth. I do have my doubts about Charles' ability to fill his Mother's extremely large shoes.
  16. In which case, the mono jack plug must just be for the differential pair (not power and ground).
  17. Or 1 ground and 1 data output from transmitter to simulator. 5v power and data in (to the transmitter) are not needed as the transmitter uses it's own power.
  18. What's not been mentioned is that the guy appears to actually assault the drone pilot by poking him with the sharp end of the gun just before he grabs it.
  19. Well according to their website, the pallets are their property and they say they will collect them for free. That's why I questioned the cost of transportation in their business model. THIS pick up request form talks about collecting a pallet in it's singular form.
  20. Aay, these new fangled electric motor thingies 😉
  21. I've never heard of CHEP though I have seen a few blue pallets. What a great idea, though the cost (money and environmental) of transporting the collected pallets must be affecting their business model.
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