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Andy Symons - BMFA

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Andy Symons - BMFA last won the day on November 25 2023

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  1. If you log in to the membership portal and click the documents tile you can download the inbsurance synopsis which ahs the policy number on. However, you can just leave it blank
  2. Yes, this is my understanding and is what I was told just 2 weeks ago on my latest first aid refresher.
  3. Take a look at https://southwest.bmfa.uk/south-west-glider-news/
  4. There is a new club that has just requested affiliation today. Google the Culbin Model Club. They now have a modelf flying section.
  5. Much easier than it looks. If you were to go Monday to Friday you would be able to fly most days. Contact Manny to choose the best possible dates.
  6. Not exactly the same but more and more people are taking flying holidays there. https://nationalcentre.bmfa.org/
  7. Thats pretty much what we all want to do and regularly do it at club sites across the country.
  8. Most clubs have entirely sensible rules that are their for everyones benefit and safety and almost always the rules have been voted on and accepted by the membership.
  9. If you read all the posts you will see there are lots saying they have been hit on multiple cards even if they don't use them to pay the BMFA. HAve a read of the links below too. https://www.2ec.com.au/trending/entertainment/check-your-bank-statement-now-for-suspicious-jet-frog-charges/ https://dailyhodl.com/2024/01/26/fraudulent-jet-frog-withdrawals-hit-bank-accounts-as-millions-warned-to-watch-for-unusual-activity/
  10. This is nothing at all to do with the BMFA, we don't store anyone's payment details. Could we get the thread title changed please.
  11. For this session we will be joined by members of the CAA and senior members of the BMFA Board and staff. Following the same format as BBC Question Time this is your chance to put questions to the panel, questions must be pre-submitted in advance and can be on any BMFA or CAA related topic. Questions can be submitted at https://itat.bmfa.uk/qt2024 To register to attend the Zoom session click the link below https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BiTix5cmR2ay1IviH63YMw
  12. Its a membership, not just insurance. Insurances only auto renew if you select to be auto renewed. However you can tick the box for your membership to auto renew if thats what you want to do.
  13. Haven't looked, I will be chained to my desk until the weekend. Hoping Sunday will be flyable.
  14. In answer to the original questions. No it doesn't matter in the slightest, be what you want to be and enjoy what you want to do, just do it with consideration for others, safely and lawfully. I do hope the good weather returns soon!!
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