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Andy Symons - BMFA

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Everything posted by Andy Symons - BMFA

  1. It's usually my surname every one gets wrong so not an issue. These things happen. 😉
  2. With drones it is really a case of you get what you pay for, the cheaper ones can be very unreliable and have a tendency to just fly off or just not function well. Personally, I would avoid them. I cannot see anywhere on the listing that states whether it uses a memory card or is internal memory. Most drones have a slot for a Mini SD card. Much really depends on your budget, as a starter drone if on a budget I would recommend the DJI Mini 4k. See https://www.amazon.co.uk/DJI-Stabilization-Transmission-Resistance-Intelligent/dp/B0CXJ9GM3G/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1M3HHJHDYQROT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qcvt4jmhgLl6YWMp6GoPY_h68kQx6MpSAklibAcaHdmlXn-aX-nnvRN6WZeU5QvOeBzhZfAPLPkCetFg0P_-H5_x_jiR4lhSSDOiNR-wGunS0N4qIsUlt1rEd5-79I88yo-sweyo77NkSI0T64LwTwSnvscDT-s2ky6w7TA4u4oWnYY2KCL7QHAeEU-eE1qAvvsnscK_d593E8g0LIY9fffA8J4f4MUpB1SIdSas20qBb2aPJurFV5i17YfFA5kX0OakTtCbNI2DGeqCL788kM3uBJsSE4JGMngi4iHrGyqwgmbs-j9h-fmEMIO-jbeou47XsEyUGlr19iJXyMWtNuxKiem-uBptfYNkmYIH7nImBuE_ZyniFYc7udZjHuHXMf2-K7lVUL_Dovb0VOkrjxFnfIhDd19l-9CJncA0rUzfxEMzxbYnT3habNOxl6va.XWvh-fj8zdCbTl1LS4Veb9czGob1qxVU3-QOfRevgmQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=dji+mini+4k&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1737118132&sprefix=dji+%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.9c21b5d8-763b-46f5-a19a-62aef163feca A quality drone, that will be very reliable and better in windy conditions. You will need a CAA Operator ID but not a flyer ID. You can add this by logging in to your profile on the membership portal and click on blue CAA category tile under membership. Based on your location it could be worth you joining a Drone Club, see https://yorkshiredroneflyers.org/ membership is free as you are a BMFA/BDF member. We have regular meets around Yorkshire and you would be more than welcome to come along and try out a few of our drones so you get an idea of what is what. Also check our out FAcebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/yorkshiredroneflyers
  3. BMFA Insurance now includes cover for commercial flights in the UK Open Categories.
  4. Can you message me your membership number please so I can look in to it. I am sure its easily sorted.
  5. I think you are looking at the CAA DMARES test and not the BMFA RCC test. 1. Can you fly your model aircraft or drone out of sight behind trees? 2. You are flying your model aircraft or drone safely at a safe height but there are other people in the vicinity. You notice an air ambulance flying in your direction. What should you do? 3. You want to fly in an empty field near to an airport. The field is outside the airport boundary fence, so is it OK to fly there? 4. How could you check if there are any restrictions on whether you can fly at a particular place? 5. Choose the correct distance to complete this statement. Never fly higher than ________ without appropriate permission or an authorisation 6. Which of these is the main reason for not flying above 400ft without permission or an authorisation? 7. When do you need permission from an airport to fly a model aircraft or drone? 8. You are planning to fly your glider, which has a mass of more than 7.5kg but less than 14kg, from the top of a 150 ft high hill. Which of the following is correct? 9. You’re out flying your model aircraft or drone when it starts to snow. What do you need to consider? 10. You’re out flying your model aircraft or drone in an area you know well. You start to get worried that you might lose sight of your aircraft in the glare of the low winter sun. What should you do? 11. You arrive at a site and want to get ready to fly your model aircraft. Which of the following must you check? 12. Which of the following points about fuel and batteries for your model aircraft or drone are correct? 13. When must you have liability insurance for flying your model aircraft or drone? 14. You fly your model aircraft or drone, and after a flight realise you have accidentally recorded some images from a neighbours private property or even through their window. Which of the following should you do? 15. Which of the following should you think about when flying your model aircraft or drone? 16. When can you fly your model aircraft or drone using First Person View equipment without a competent observer? 17. You are flying your model aircraft or drone using FPV equipment accompanied by a competent observer, which of the following conditions must you comply with? 18. Why should you keep your model aircraft or drone's built-in software (firmware) up to date? 19. The BMFA Article 16 Authorisation permits flight for which of the following purposes? 20. How does the AAIB and the CAA define an Occurrence? 21. Which of the following incidents amounts to a reportable occurrence? 22. What is the minimum age for a CAA registered Operator? 23. Who is directly responsible for the safe operation of an aircraft? 24. Which of the following are acceptable methods for a BMFA member to demonstrate their competence? 25. Before any flight can take place in the Flight Restriction Zone of a Protected Aerodrome, permission must be obtained from whom? 26. Whilst flying, as a Remote Pilot, you should always comply with: 27. Whilst flying, as a Remote Pilot, you should always avoid: 28. According to the Article 16 authorisation, for which of the following must you register as an Operator? 29. As an Operator, you must comply with which of the following? 30. The BMFA Article 16 Authorisation stipulates that model aircraft with a Maximum Take Off Mass between 250g and 7.5kg cannot be operated: 31. The Article 16 Authorisation stipulates that model aircraft with a Maximum Take Off Mass between 7.5kg and 25kg cannot be operated: 32. Aircraft of certain maximum take off masses are outside the scope of the BMFA Article 16 Authorisation and require a separate authorisation, are they: 33. The operation of powered model aircraft within the BMFA Article 16 Authorisation is limited to 400 feet (120m) above the ground, unless which of the following conditions are met? 34. Serious Incidents or other Occurrences must be reported to the CAA as a condition of the BMFA Authorisation, if they involve any of what four circumstances? 35. Any Model Aircraft/drone Operator making use of the BMFA Article 16 Authorisation must ensure that: 36. The BMFA Article 16 Authorisation permits you to give a ‘trial flight’ to a non-member under what conditions? 37. What does the BMFA Article 16 authorisation state with regards to the dropping of articles from a model aircraft or drone? 38. If your model flying club is located within a ‘built up area’ what must it do? 39. With regards to free flight aircraft, which of the following statements is true 40. You must not launch a free flight model aircraft unless:
  6. There are no Drone specific/orientated questions in the RCC. They all relate to model aircraft and most also to drones (free flight not relating to drones)
  7. The Flyer Id that was issued to you will remain valid.
  8. You are ok until 2029, RCC expiry dates have been adjusted to match the Flyer ID expiry dates.
  9. There will be some who believe that because they were previously exempt from having a flyer ID due to holding an A or B certificate passed before that date that they are still exempt.
  10. Your Operator ID is nothing at all to do with your Flyer ID and any tests. HAve a read of https://rcc.bmfa.uk/caa-ids
  11. Not as many who have left after being persuaded that the relatively light amount of regulation is a massive burden when it isn't.
  12. Now says 5. Remote Pilot Requirements 5.1 Remote Pilot Competence It is a legal requirement that anyone who flies a model aircraft or drone outdoors with a take off mass 250gm or above must have a CAA Flyer ID. Previously BMFA members who hold a valid BMFA Registration Competency Certificate (RCC), or a BMFA A or B Certificate passed before 31/12/2020, did not require a CAA Flyer ID. This has now changed and you will require a CAA Flyer ID. However the BMFA can request the Flyer ID on your behalf.
  13. No, Flyer ID still not needed. Operator ID is.
  14. It's not needed for control line or anything below 250gm.
  15. First an apology, I have made an error with the mailing list that was used and some have received the recent email regarding Flyer IDs that shouldn’t have. It happens, believe it or not I am human. (Honest) So a couple of points. No Flyer ID’s are suddenly Invalid! If anyone has received the email and they have a current valid RCC on their profile, they should delete and ignore the email, it was sent to in error. The issue only applies to those who hold an A/B certificate from before 31/12/2020 and who have not passed the BMFA RCC test within the last 5 years but were recently issued with a Flyer ID. Unfortunately, they will now need to pass the RCC. However you have a grace period and do not need to do so until 30th November 2025. Members are clear to fly if they have a current Flyer ID no matter how it was obtained. If they do not have a Flyer ID at all and fly over 250gm aircraft outdoors, you will need to take either the CAA DMARES test, or the BMFA RCC to obtain a Flyer ID. Once again apologies for the extra confusion.
  16. If a member has a valid RCC on their profile they can ignore the email.
  17. In that case you can ignore the email and all is well. Just looking to see some ended up on the mailing list that shouldn't have been.
  18. The BMFA office is happy to go through the RCC test over thebphone for those with no Internet access, just give the office a call. Clubs can also help with this at their club nights, a couple of laptops and off you go. Don't forget it's only a once every 5 years thing too so it really is no big deal.
  19. If you have a Flyer ID you are good to fly under Article 16 and in the Open categories immediately. A communication will be going out early next week to clarify the situation for those with a valid Flyer ID but who haven't passed either the RCC or DMARES. However they are ok to fly. The only ones who need to do something immediately are those who do not have a Flyer ID at all and who fly over 250gm stuff outdoors. They need to do the RCC or DMARES before flying.
  20. The insurance is for lawful recognised activity, flying unlawfully would mean you are operating outside the terms of the insurance and an individual could find themselves not covered. However,if a claim was made against the club or committee due to an incident where the member is operating unlawfully the club and committee are covered.
  21. We recommend a clause something like the following is included in the club constitution as a catchall for operating lawfully. All members, without exception, must comply with all club rules and operate lawfully at all times and must show proof of any required registrations on request. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action by the Club which may lead to dismissal.
  22. Could be worth asking ATC. In general, they are very cooperative.
  23. Reality is there has hardly been any increase in restrictions, we can still do just about everything we always could. Can still go to the beach and fly a model if you wish too.
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