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Peter Miller

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Everything posted by Peter Miller

  1. The servos should be fine, Fitting them in the wing might be a little tight but otherwise OK
  2. I would say that "The Ohmen" would perform much better on the 26. It only weighs 1218 gr with a battery in it and it is a bit smaller at 47" span. I am still flying my original prototype after nearly 5 years and it is my "go to" model. To be completely honest Hound Dog uses basically the same fuselage design with cosmetic modifications.
  3. Y You might have to move F-1 back a bit and make it a bit bigger. or you could leave it where it a as you won't hav a big battery behind it/ I needed a little lead inthe tail but you probably won't need that. I have to say that you might find the OSFS28 is not quite as powerful as the electric motor that is reccomended but it should be a bit lighter without the battery. Because of this keep it light a possible
  4. A very little known technique for some jobs that people may find useful using aliphatic resin. This works with thin sheet, i.e. 1/16 sheet and thin ply. Coat both surfaces with aliphatic resin and leave to dry. When dry using a hot iron. (A small travelling clothes iron works best) place the thin sheet over the structure and iron it down. It will bond the two together. NOTE! This is a once only process. Once it is ironed on it will never move again.
  5. I did the plastic mounting last. I used very tiny screws to hold it down with glue as well. At least it is all very simple shapes and curves
  6. I use a Mobious Camera for my aerial video work Brilliant quality and very small.
  7. I am really proud of this picture. It has just been short listed for the "Amateur Photographer of the Year" Action round. A Pitts Special performing
  8. And I was a Royal Air Force airframe fitter for 12 years and I still worry about my creations and how they fly and the safety aspects. Our investment in our models in terms of time and money may be insignificant to you but not to the average modeller. Anyone who isn't is a hazard to fellow modellers and spectators. You may also find that your expertise does not always help in the modelling world and there are aspects of modelling which your experience does not cover
  9. Fine!! You would be better off with a brad new one definitely.
  10. As the 36" span version that will be fine The original was rubber powered so this looks perfect. I have done some fully built up side on small models. I am thinking of my Size Zero from way back. Also my Insanity but that was because I wanted a 45 degree twist in the fuselage
  11. No, not for me this time. I am working on yet another version of "The Little Ship" for brushless conversion. Yes, a lot of other designs could easily have built up sides but I wonder how much it would save. I got a shock when I saw the price of 1/8" sq.
  12. That is the plan that Mick used. and other people too. I had forgotten that it had flat sides. I tell you my mind is going these days. There is a kit on sale in the USA at some exorbitant price, especially if you add US mail prices
  13. I have just bought 4 of the white sliding bolt type latches from 4-Max, couldn't find them anywhere in the UK and didn't want to wait for them to come from China
  14. I nearly built one but at about 50" span. Had I thought of changing the fuselage to flat sides like yours I might have done but I am getting dead lazy in my old age.
  15. K&S used to do streamlined aluminium tube. J. Perkins no longer seem to list it.
  16. Tjis a very popualr model, What size is yours? Mick's is 60" and there is a 72" span model being built that I know of
  17. And here are some in flight shots of Mick King's Daddy-O
  18. This is Graham King's Puppeteer on final app roach. Love that exhaust
  19. Mick KIng's Daddy-O built to 60" wing span. Flies like a dream
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