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Everything posted by Basil

  1. Pat, what do you mean, other that for charging a mobile is a stand alone.?????? Bas
  2. I have tried that; they say 'Well you have a mobile phone so you are not without a phone' Bas
  3. Andy, is the sound effects unit that stated by Simon. If not I am interested. If not sorry to bother you. Bas
  4. Beware, I just filled in what appears to be a data gathering etc for B & Q. There is a chance to win some tools. Behold I won hip oray. All you do is pay for the postage £3.00 in this case. Added the data about to add card details, read fine print.................. I find that in addition to the postage there is a charge of £45.00 quarterly ..............., to some Spanish company. Beware. Bas
  5. Thanks Shaun, it was as I expected re setup, different from the 'Plus' version sets as installed each time. Many thanks. Bas
  6. I should point out that the only instructions that I have are for a 'Stabiliser plus'. Cant seem to find just 'Stabiliser' so the instructions maybe wrong.!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I have had a lemon rx with stabilization for some time and been playing with it for a little while. I cant find an entry for 'Setting up' in the instructions only resetting. For setting up I refer to the RX being fitted in the plane at the correct attitude ready for flight. I have followed the procedure of switch toggling but cant get the green light to flash the reported four times. Does anybody have experience of these lemon/stabs' that can advise me. Thank you in advance . Bas l
  8. Shaun, what sort of wing profile has the Bristol.Hope the underside is not negative. Bas
  9. What a brilliant idea 10 out of 10 for that. Bas
  10. Frank, the master is a basic Spektrum TX, wired . Not possible to use the wireless as the master. I dont think its possible, logic really , when you think about it. Many thanks to you all. Bas
  11. Gentlemen, it as I thought , there is no way a connection can be made. It was through desperation that I posed this question hoping that someone may have a solution. Many thanks. Bas
  12. Toto, the slave is the DX8e !!!!!, with no jack plug facility. Bas
  13. Hi Toto,I believe you are referring to a wireless to wireless situation. I am talking old style TX ( ie cable connection) as a master to a new wireless as a slave situation. The DX8e is somewhat different re binding situations. Thanks though!!! Bas
  14. I have purchased a Spektrum DX8e. It has wireless trainer facility ( For use as a master), and no jack plug facility . The binding described in the manual is for use as a master. My question is; 'Can the DX8e be used as a slave TX with a non wireless trainer set up ?'. Simple question. Bas
  15. Hi, If I want to add say, a red flash to the side of a plane that has been covered in heat shrink film, what do I use. Covering film or other please. I have seen 'Dayglo' stripes etc ??? Might seem simple to you but I have never attempted it before !!! Bas
  16. Basil

    Diacov 1000

    I have found the most difficult thing was to get a good 'Edge' when trimming during application. I put this down to a not so sharp trimming knife/scalpel. I kept getting edges with what looked like 'Threads' attached to the edges. Next time I will make sure I have a new blade. Bas
  17. Basil

    Diacov 1000

    Brian, my original post was from Sariks website , it was they that I quoted.!!!. Thank you for the info , puts things in a different light. All the required info. Bas
  18. Basil

    Diacov 1000

    Alan, the word 'Priming' is used as it implies the first thing required. It relates to Diatex not Diacov. The video says 'Certain wood surfaces need priming' I have already outlined that that was the reason of my contact with Sarik. I have used it in the past with reasonable results that would have been a lot better had I taken more care etc etc. I am not in any way being critical just pointing out the statements made by Sarik. So if I followed your suggestion of following the video I would be using temperatures like the 170c as tated in the video, is that a correct figure to use rather than the 110c given verbally. I am confused regarding the temperature and that is why I was asking if others had used it and at what temperatures. Bas
  19. Basil

    Diacov 1000

    The issue I phoned about was that the video says ' Depending what type of wooden substrate is used Solo must be used to prime the surface'. Solo seems like some sort of dope that is used when Diatex is used on Aircraft proper. Bearing in mind that the majority of our construction materials are wood I was enquiring about what types need priming. I was given to understand that priming is not required with Diacov. In my mind if we had to prime everything the advantages of use are reduced . First I was told that this is not so with Diacov!!!!!. I then enquired about temperatures, quoting the temperatures given on the web page up to 170 C. I was then informed that this was for Diatex not Diacov. A temperature of 110c was verbally given for Diacov. I have refered to the web site some time in the past and dont seem to remember the use of those higher temps being quoted ,maybe I am wrong about the later. Thats when I suggested that perhaps the information be corrected. The material in the video does not look like Diacov ,which has it has a yellowish colour, the video looks white in colour. So Allan, I think there is some sort of issue from the info that Sarik has given me being so different. One way or the other there is a difference!!!! Regards Bas
  20. Hi everybody. Just been looking for the temperatures of use for Diacov. The video on line by Sarik is for Diatec not Diacov.I have had a coversation with them and been told it is not the same animal. I suggested that perhaps they remove it in favour of the correct video. In the mean time can anybody that has used it please give me the suggested temperatures for use. Many Thanks. Bas
  21. Simon, repairing old airframes is usually, at least for me , a long and fiddly job. It really needs an open time of many minutes. As stated I dont get on with super glues. I think that their performance is some what over rated .Speed yes but I dont want speed. When I refered to 'Open time' I was reffering to Bas
  22. Thank you gentlemen, the problem with these products is that when making repairs like those facing me is that you need a long life /open time in order the shuffle the parts together. As efficient as the products suggested are the open time is quite short. Thank you for making me aware of them as I had not met them before. Bas
  23. Hi Ron, what exactly is Gorila clear
  24. Hello all. I am trying to 'Mend' a crashed pre built plane. It was obviously constructed by holding the ply parts together then applying Superglue. If not done with care they often come apart when stressed. Anyway this one crashed. The ply parts then have a coating of superglue on them. I want to try and reassemble the frame as there are little signs of damage to the ply. The superglue has coated the joining surfaces so this may effect the choice of reassembly adhesive. What are the experiences of other members under these circumstances. I dont like super glue as I react to it. Bas
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