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Peter Hammond 1

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  1. Indeed. Not so much a comparison with other models, but more of a general comment on it. It's going to be my winter build, delayed from a previous year.
  2. Hi, Yes, it had a redraw 2017, and some earlier posts in this thread were by people building the new model. Definitely still available on db web site.
  3. An old thread now, but any feedback available from those who have built, flown and owned the DB Gringo for a season or two?
  4. Hi all, I've just installed a Neuron 2. Tarannis 2019 on opentx R8 pro access. In my receiver I selected Fbus protocol. I plugged the yellow Esc wire and ground into the sport connector on the receiver (down by the antennea on the R8). The Neuron instructions are wrong on the wiring - use the sport down on the multi pin socket. Full telemetry works. The lua script on my tx works. Full integration and telemetry runs perfectly over single wire Fbus protocol. I did update the esc firmware with the STK tool. Hope this helps, Pete.
  5. I wish they'd put those articles up for down load, it would help sell I would of thought
  6. Hi, Has anyone built the Robin Fowler DC3 96inch? Short kit is available on Sarik, but I can't find any info on it.
  7. Hi Don, Very interested in hearing how your maiden goes. I've read Tims thread and I think a SLEC chippy will be my next build. Probably the Penzoil. Just need to complete current projects!
  8. I think it is a good idea as it will speed development. Personally I have never owned either a glow or petrol so I may not take up the offer myself, I wouldn't be the right person. I'm 100% electric with sport prop, semi scale edf, and helicopters, but I'm planning a scale warbird build and am holding out until your inlines and petrols hit the market before I make final decisions. Properly structured terms of sale is all that is needed. Within a season I would of thought most problems would of become apparent and so resolved.
  9. Thanks guys. Pilot to go in soon, and I think I will re cut my decals as they are a bit wonky
  10. link to album https://photos.app.goo.gl/Psd7Z7aTL1EtiAVe7
  11. Hi, I thought I'd post some photos of my build. It is now finished and awaiting maiden. This is my first build, and what a learning curve it was, but I think I have made a flyable model, time well tell on that one hey. Big lessons for me were: Ezekote, even with a primer coat of easykote makes balsa wing skins warp a LOT. Use sanding sealer next time. CA and aliphatic do not work together. You do need to pin wing skins down along all the ribs and spars even if it looks like it is down tight, as the sheet will come up from the spar over night. Damp wet weather in unheated shed in the UK plays havok with a build, store parts inside the house when they are built, particularly sheeted wings. Cut wing sheets over size. Spend a lot of time sanding and filling and sanding again. Don't buy cheap fans from China or anywhere else. Cutting hatches out after glassing is not easy. Electronics: MKS servos as shown running on 8.4V HW 120A V4 ESC with BEC at 8.4V (I had this knocking around spare from a heli). FRSky 8 channel ACCESS/Archer receiver and R-XSR slave. Horizon 15 to 25 trike retracts on 8.4V 4 No. 6v micro servos on hatch doors and steering. Small SBEC taking 8.4V to 6V for micro servos 2 No. 4500mAH 6s Nano tech 25/70 C in parralell. Again these are heli batteries and using them in this plane was part of the decision process. Powerfun 90mm fan 6s 1450kV which pulls 70 amps at 22 volts giving about 1500 Watts. I hope I will get away with this but I should of bought wemotec or Jetfan. Mods: Bearings to the taileron. I will fit controllable rudders post sucesful maiden flight.
  12. Looking really good Geoff. Can't wait to hear about the maiden.
  13. Geoff, Yes I will do a build log for sure. I haven't built a plane since I was a child, that was a Precedent Hi-Fly 2. Recently I've been concentrating on helicopters, but I do have a Wot 4e that I fly about with. So this will be a challenging build for me. Martin, Nice photos, I look forward to hearing how your maiden goes.
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