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About Lopez

  • Birthday 11/04/1957

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  1. Hello, how well it turned out. I'm doing mine. Yours is rigid or has a slight movement.
  2. Hello, perfect. The kit is from Sarik. Thank you.
  3. Good afternoon, I have sent you some files so you can tell me how to shape the brass for the landing gear supports on the lower wing of the fuselage. They come in 4 pieces, the lower one I have to glue, put the brass shaft in and attach the anchoring brackets. Thank you.
  4. Good afternoon, could you give me advice on how to shape a 1/32" brass plate like the attached file I sent you? Thank you.



  5. Good afternoon, could you give me advice on how to shape a 1/32" brass plate like the attached file I sent you? Thank you.




  6. Thank you very much for the recommendation, there is a lot of information to read and a lot to learn, JD8
  7. Good advice, I'll follow it. I have many doubts but I will go little by little.
  8. Good advice, I'll follow it. I have many doubts but I will go little by little.
  9. Thank you very much for the recommendation, there is a lot of information to read and a lot to learn

  10. Do you think I have added weight to the tail? Because adding a battery and an electric motor in the nose hurts it.
  11. Thank you very much for the detail, good information
  12. Thank you very much for the detail, good information
  13. en un artículo antiguo. Doblar el alambre de piano de 2 mm para el conector del elevador será fácil y la dimensión no es crítica. Solo use un tornillo de banco y un martillo. Los puntales de la cabina pueden ser de alambre más grueso y deben doblarse con precisión para garantizar que el ala esté nivelada. El tren de aterrizaje también es difícil. Puedes hacer piezas de prueba con un alambre más suave antes de hacer las piezas reales con alambre de piano. El tipo de alambre suave que se usa para las perchas de alambre es muy útil para estos experimentos (pero inútil para las piezas reales). Lee sobre "Tolerancia de curvatura" antes de comenzar. (Te sugiero que busques esta información en tu propio idioma). Thank you very much Frank, all this is new for me, I didn't know there were these tools. Thank you very much Frank, all this is new for me, I didn't know there were these tools.
  14. Thank you, the wire in the photo is 4mm because it is a wire and I have not bought it yet and for 3mm is it the same system or do you have something smaller. I will send you a photo
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