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  1. If I didn’t already have one in a box in the loft, I’d buy one! I’ll keep both of mine as belly landers, they’re so easy to land, I don’t need the wheels. 😀
  2. Gilly, Highly unlikely I'm afraid. I did buy one of Richards 109's as well, years ago. As i was working abroad and never touched it, I sold it, something I've regretted ever since. I expect the twin to be built this Winter, especially as I have a matched pair of Laser 70's waiting for it. Should I ever change my mind, I'll try to remember you first!
  3. Richard, the pleasure is all mine I assure you, the planes are fun to build and easy to fly. I've got a confession to make, I've bought another one of your La-7, Dwayne Dibley's one has ended up with me. When a friend alerted me to A Plane Old Bargain who had a La-7 for sale. I bought it virtually unseen and knew I recognised it. I've looked back in the forum and sure enough it's DD's old plane. He added a NGH 9cc petrol two stroke back in 2017, I'll test it to see how noisy it is first. It may get a new engine if I can find something suitable, a 56/60/70 four stroke sort of size. The plane is very well and neatly made and looks great so I'm pleased. I now have the same, smaller sized La-7 with battery power and petrol, plus the larger one which has a Laser 80 as I said earlier. I've still got the Bf110 in the loft too...
  4. Yes, the yellow tipped 190 is mine! We held Family Fun Day at West London and I took both the 190 and Tempest along. I even won an award for the Tempest for Best model built and flown by the pilot. The colours on the 190 were deliberately exaggerated to help me see it in the sky. At one point we had five planes in the air, 2 Spits, a Hurricane and a P47 all ‘chasing’ the 190. By taking some models to the field and leaving them in a friend’s van, I was able to take and fly my larger Laser powered La-7 too. I told everyone who asked about the planes and the slightly unusual path needed to buy one in the future. A couple have expressed interest in buying one for the Winter building period. The weird colours are a complicated combination from a printer having an off day and viewing the picture under artificial lighting, the dark grey ended up near purple. I don't care, it still flies really well and looks great. The La-7 has a Laser 80 in it for power.
  5. It's a great system, I'm always surprised that it wasn't more popular. I rarely resort to the manual as I can normally work it out. Feel free to ask again if you get stuck.
  6. The first picture shows the 'model' sub screen. The second the 'reverse' screen. That is if the pictures come out in the order I've added them....
  7. Geezer, Getting there then? If one moves the opposite way, reverse one. From the home screen with the correct model selected, touch the big plane icon in the bottom left corner. The next screen should show a load of options under the heading 'model' Top left is 'reverse', touch that. The screen then lists all your servos, touch 'Ele 2' and then 'reverse' or 'normal', confirm that you are happy and that should be it. Exit the screen by touching the little door icon in the top right hand corner of the screen. Again, if this doesn't work, come back to me, it's a really easy system to use.
  8. Geezer, 1. select your model 2. select system (the key/spanner symbol bottom left on the screen) 3. Select channel 4. select ch 5 or ch 6. 5. Hit the ‘Sel’ button, bottom right on the screen. 6. on page one you can choose whatever function you want, ele 2 I suggest. i hope this is clear, if not I’ll add pictures.
  9. No, that's all my own mistake, I followed the instructions and when I separated the hatch, I was a bit rough. The skinning behind the hatch came adrift and I glued and clamped it down hard. However, this introduced a step behind the hatch and the fuselage. I could have fixed it but never did. So, all my own fault.
  10. I maidened my Tempest today and it was a delight to fly. It fitted the FW 190 dolly with just a bit of sanding for the rear support, the Tempest must be a bit wider. Anyway it leapt off the dolly and needed 2 or 3 clicks of aileron to get it flying straight and level. Mine is just under 5lbs without the battery, I'm using 4000 ones but I've not weighed them and set the timer for 5 minutes. The C of G is 90mm back as Richard said his flew on that. It was the same as the 190, smooth and safe to fly, a very pretty plane! It's a bit heavier than the 190 but with a larger wing area so they fly much the same. Here's a (very slightly out of focus) shot as it came past over the strip.
  11. I've just been out to check throws and balance but the rain has started again! I've finished the painting and will seal it all in with a varnish, I've used Tamiya paints throughout, they spray nicely with an airbrush. Here's the underside before the rain stopped play. I hope that it will fit the same dolly that I made for the FW 190.
  12. I’ve managed to catch up, nearly there. I’m adding the weathering but still have the top of the wing to complete.
  13. If they don’t work, I’m sure they will though, I’ve got a couple of9 channel Hitec Optima receivers you could buy. Try the Delta ones first though.
  14. Thanks gents, I think I’ll sand the ply core a tiny bit to give a tiny bit more of the classic leading edge shape, but they’ll be sharper than normal/ other planes I have.
  15. I’ve made a start on the wings and have sanded the leading edges, I think I’ve gone too far. I’ve ended up with sharp leading edges, the ply inner core giving the edge to sand too. I’m not sure if I should add balsa back and re sand or will it be ok like this? The first image shows the second wing root which is still be undergo its final sand. The blue line is what I should aim for but I’ve gone to the red line. The plan shows what I should aim for but the red line in the second image shows more what I’ve ended up with. The leading edge is sharp along the whole length. Will this be a problem?
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