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James May's Toy Stories: Flight Club

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Posted by KingKade on 24/12/2012 16:24:50:
Posted by Simon B on 23/12/2012 23:32:41:

Until the poor sods go into Slough and get ignored

Edited By Simon B on 23/12/2012 23:33:16

Made me laugh when the store guy said 'have you tried the internet?' exactly what slouh model centre wants you to do, as aposed to walking in and picking up models, and heaven forbid ask some questions!!!

Good god, do you think it was an uneditied recording, and that he just walked in and that was it?...It will have been scripted etc....stop knocking the LMS...

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Just watched it on Iplayer. Nice program. Good to see BBC researchers are up to their usual standards- where can you get a SR120 for "about 40 pounds"? Got my bro a SR120 RTF for his birthday- he'll think I'm a tightwad now!

It's a shame they didn't program the ECU to do catch some lift off those big Lundy hills.....

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I must admit it does annoy me a little that it is referred to as a TOY .

I do not think that all the models i see on my flying field are toys when you consider the skills and time and effort that is put in to them.

not to mention the quality of something like a scale model.

When you consider the people that build them and fly them succesfully it must be remembered that they are not in a profession that even remotely is comparable to aeroplane modelling yet they have got the skill that a professional would have.

I think that encompasses what hobbies are when people take the trouble to learn and practice tha skills that are required regardles of any hobbie and to call them toys is an insult

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I enjoyed the programme - good entertainment and showed aeromodelling in a generally positive light. Personally, I'm not too precious to regard my models as toys, in the same way that golf clubs, footballs etc. are as well.

Regarding the generally negative comments on the Slough shop, after a visit (for the first time in years) this morning, I can't agree. It's a large, well stocked and organised shop, and the three staff members there let us browse without pestering, which I like. However, when we asked to see a quadcopter that my son was interested in, they fired up 2 of them and gave us a full demo, and were very friendly. I needed a battery for my Blade 120 and was offered a choice of 2, with the cheaper one being recommended.

In all, a positive experience and we will be returning. Agreed, the program didn't show them at their best, but you have to allow for editing to show the storyline the progamme makers want.

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I'm in general agreement - my models are my toys, although ones I take reasonably seriously when they're big or expensive. It's an old cliche - but generally true - that the difference between boys and men is the price of their toys - but who wants to take life too seriously anyway!

I must say that from various posts and threads I've read over the years, there were no surprises from the model shop scenes although I'd readily acknowledge that the various posters could have had isolated experiences.

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Enjoyable programme, and a nice hook to hang it on. I personally quite like the way aeromodelling was shown as a way to get school kids building and flying (ditto with the full-scale Aifix Spitfire episode) and it may even get more 6th formers interested in studying aeoronautical engineering.

Compare and contrast how this programme showed aeromodelling with how Come Dine With Me presented a certain RCM&E contributor...

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Free flight to Framce- why not?

nice programme, I've got my Ardupilot on order.

In the interim I wonde whether the model flying community can assist in achieving the programmes origonal goal- a free flight glider to France.

James may revisited the railway project in his last series when the first attempt failed, and the free flight glider clearly works. So if the programme content is correct, it was the French CAA that said "non". So how about seeking to enlist the French model aviation community to help obtain a "oui" and maybe James would follow up with a Flight Club Revisited show?

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?

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