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Aircraft 108 inch span

Stuart Marsden

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I have just purchased a 108 inch span Taylocraft, it has a petrol engine believed by the seller (who never flew this or did much other than decide the tubular aileron mech wasn't much use). The model has a mould made 2 part cowl. That's all I have now and hope someone may recognise the an maker or shed any light. I am lead to believe the petrol engine is 28 cc. Any ideas on anything please post. Best regards Stuart Marsden

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Could be a Mike smart designs aircraft? It's not an ARTF just doesn't have that look to it.

The engine looks like a zenoha but the aircraft engines they produce don't have bulb prime carbs or exhausts with a strap around them. There is a lug on the head for the exhaust wrap to fit around. I somehow think that it's a very well done strimmer conversion but can't be sure.

The Colour of the hub and prop driver is different to the case and head. It looks newer and lees used so may well be a conversion.

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I'm not an Auster afficionado - don't like the look of them and didn't enjoy either of the Airsail 1/6 scale examples I maidened for clubmates so there may be variants I'm unaware of but the fin looks wrong for it to be the AOP9 modelled by Airsail - as does the fin construction if my Chipmunk is any guide...

Looking at the cowl, I'd think it's likely to be a Taylorcraft but of course it could be a wartime licence built version by Auster...

P.S. sorry to overlap Percy - got sidetracked while writing the above...

Edited By Martin Harris on 09/07/2016 21:08:40

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That looks very much like a McCulloch motor which has been converted to electronic ignition.

I had a McCulloch 32 in a quarter scale cub some years ago. The trouble with these strimmer motors (as I found) is that they are really heavy and underpowered. Mind you my Super Cub did weigh the best part of 18lb!!

Speaking of cubs, that cowl looks remarkably like the one on my Super Cub.


PS. There's a pic of my Super Cub in my photos

Edited By Essjay on 09/07/2016 22:25:25

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108" would equate to 36' span at 1/4 scale which would fit with several Taylorcraft or Auster models but not with a Cub.

Steve, my 1/4 scale J3 Cub weighs a similar amount (if not slightly more) but flies quite nicely on an ASP 160 twin. You can't beat a Cub on a nice summer afternoon - if only such a thing still existed!

Stuart - was this where you bought it - if not, the original seller from a year ago (there's a phone number) might be able to assist if it happens to be the same one...several features seem to fit!

Edited By Martin Harris on 10/07/2016 01:55:48

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Looking at the under carriage it only has the main (faired) legs and one bracing piece, while the Cub has a lower pair of bracing struts with an anti-splay bungee between them, if he;s gone to the trouble of including a scale trim tab I would of thought the U/C would be pretty accurate too

The cowl is not a Auster AOP or civvie version, but it MIGHT be an Auster Arrow




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